
Repack S8 Zteam, Perfect Dev VIP

Автор pirazok, 2016 Март 18, 18:58

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Ключевые слова [SEO] mu onlinerepack s8 zteamperfect dev vip


Но есть одно но, там стоит авторизация и только VIP пользователи их форума могут ползоватса фаилами. Выкладываю файл может кто может снять защиту..

ЦитироватьUpdate: 4.0
- Fixed Summons Golden skill;
- Fixed reset system without character reload;
- Removed Message dialog at /reset system command;
- Fixed GM Connect message;
- Fixed guard say from NpcTalk Event;
- Added evo command;
- Fixed Seed extraction fail;
- Added /autoReset system;
- Fixed some strings at ResetSystem;
- Added /autoadd command;
- Fixed GameServer Interface;
- Fixed a Creation of Log directory;
- Fixed Ranking Server Connection protocol;
- Fixed Summons the demon Level 5;
- Fixed Pet's and Rings experience;
- Added Pet's and Rings experience configuration at CommonServer.cfg
- Fixed Personal Shop open only in Safe zone;
- Added /invisible command;

Update: 5.0
- Re-Fixed some interface problems;
- Added a optional message when open GameServer;
- Fixed Party check with GensSystem active;
- Fixed Arca Battle war with party members error;
- Added a option to update dbo.Character when reset;
- Fixed a crash when dbo.PremiumData is empty;
- Fixed a bug when die in Arena and character is moved to Exile;
- Added /OpenWare command to open vault in any place;
- Changed /invisible command to /kill <player> command;

Update: 6.0
- Fixed elemental system;
- Fixed Bill users is not being loaded;
- Fixed Double Goer Event Crash;
- Changed Interface;
- Added /premiuminfo <player> command;
- Added GetPremiumName at user.h;
- Fixed Double Goer event crash;
- Fixed Rage Figther Skill Tree at server files;
- Fixed a crash when recive Premium Info from MultiServer;
- Added Auto Reset system to use groups;
- Added a Premium groups for reset system;
- Fixed get ResetGroup and messages for AutoReset;

Update: 7.0
- Fixed crash command /AutoAdd with off parameter;
- Changed /AutoReset to /AutoReset <level> parameter;
- Changed Command System requirements phrases;
- Fixed AutoReset to match with required level;
- Fixed AutoReset Level check;
- Added ResetDay, ResetWeek and ResetMonth to save at dbo.Character;

Update: 8.0
- Fixed new Custom Wings System (BETA);
- Fixed custom Wing at Select char Screen;
- Fixed custom Wing whem move Character;
- Added Wings number custom;
- Added custom limit for Wings;
- Added a Effect Code for Premium members;
- Fixed wcCashPoint, wpCashPoint, wgCashPoint price get for commands;
- Fixed a possible crash when divide at gObjSetItemPlusSpecial;
- Fixed level bug when reaches level 370;
- Fixed ChaosBox Plus Mix Level rates at CommonServer.cfg and PlusItemLevelChaosMix;
- Added Marriage System (BETA);
- Fixed Bill Type for no charge message and crash;
- Fixed Bill Type Premium set for Free members;
- Fixed Date and time for Premium end;
- Added minimum level check to Marriage system;
- Fixed Divisor for 3rd wings and new wings at ChaosBox and GameMain;
- Fixed Premium access requirement error phrase for commands;
- Added a option for configure Rate for wings 2.5 in ChaosBox;

Update: 9.0
- Fixed seals and other buffs is not being saved at db;
- Fixed /evo command to count all features like combo, extra-points for 3rd quest;

Update: 10.0
- Fixed AccountBlock and GJPUserBlock from JoinServer;
- Fixed Crash at AccountBlock() query;
- Fixed LoveHeart and LoveHearAll Tables in dbo.MuOnline;
- Fixed possible crash when select a member_guid field from dbo.MEMB_INFO;
- Fixed missed tables from website support;
- Fixed Experience definition type to DWPRD;
- Fixed /pkclear command;
- Fixed /transfer (/gmove) command;
- Improved CommandManagner to Find Players or return an message if they is not found;
- Added a message to not found players at GetUserInfo();
- Re-writed some messages that in cases of incorrect command usage;
- Removed target usage from some commands;
- Fixed /partyleader command and their messages;
- Aded /ban and /banuser commands;
- Added a option in Premium.xml to adjust multi warehouse number for Premium Types;
- Added a option in Premium.xml to allow use of Siege Skill;
- Fixed Missing Santa Claus event;
- Added a EventBag for Santa Claus event;
- Added /grandreset command;
- Fix missed groups for Grand Reset;
- Added a option to allow reforced items in trade (Thanks to Clerigz);
- Added a option to not decrease Ertel Trade limit;
- Fixed ShopPointEx Bonus;
- Fixed a crash when load ShopPointEx.txt file;
- Fixed Experience bug when reach 370+ level;
- Fixed Bonus points messages and saving into db;
- Fixed Bonus points for mobs in GetMonsterSlot;
- Added CoinC and CoinP to online time bonus;

Update: 10.5
- Fixed experience get and set from MultiServer;

Update: 11.0
- Fixed Experience to get as 64 Interger from dbo.Character;
- Fixed Character Experience packets to __int64 datatype;
- Fixed a crash when players password have more than 12 characters;
- Fixed to allow guild members and alliance to enter in Castle Lord;
- Fixed senior mix to allow 30 jewel of guardian and 30 packed bless + 30 packed soul;
- Fixed respawn of mobs in Archeron;
- Added /tracemarry command;

ЦитироватьWithin the GameServer folder is a file named ConfigS.ini, in this file you have to add your login and password you use to log in PerfectZone forum, otherwise the server will not work.
Lines will have to set up:
"UserForum = YOUR LOGIN, Login Forum / Forum Sign in / regístrate en el foro
PasswordForum = PASSWORD; Password Forum / Forum Password / Contraseña en el foro "
Note: in the "UserForum =" search add your nick for example, when I log in my forum account I use the login mentor + password, but my nick is with the letter "m" capital and not tiny, so if I leave the line UserForum like this: "UserForum = mentor" will give error in the authentication, more if I leave it, "UserForum = mentor" will not have problems. I hope you understand.


Perfect Dev
tiagoassis (Set the authentication system)
And all our members PerfectZone.


Тестировал сборку не играбельна...


Да почему ?
Она вполне стоит внимания но вот баг с кундумами это да,
как и на всех других версиях.


шо, опять? (с)


там не только кундум баг еще очень сильная нагрузка на ЦП =(((

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