Как защититься от хакеров в MU Online

Автор Dimasean, 2011 Авг. 16, 14:37

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Ключевые слова [SEO] mu onlineантичитхакеры


Hello everyone.
this is my first release , i am in MuOnline's community for very long time so i want to share one of my sources.

about the anti-hack :
this is anti-hack has client side and server side.
when user start his game the anti-hack start working.
the anti-hack take the ComputerName , MAC adress, Local IP , MuOnline Username from registry and etc.
and send it to the Anti-Hack Server.
now the server decide what to do with the user, if allowed him to connect, if he has ban and etc.
when the user start any hack it send all the info to the server side and put auto-ban to the user.
protection from 121 "Bad Words" , 510 hacks , 100+ Exe Names

Client Side Features:
1.Memory scan for 32bytes in specific adress.
2.Scan for hack's EXE names (like "Wild Proxy.exe")
3.Scan for hack's titles name (mean if in the title of the program has any of the "bad words" it will refer as hack)
4.Files size check
5.Protection from separation dll for main.
6.create enc log file with the program that give them the ban.
7.(optional) Hide Main from windows! (very risky!)
8.auto update system.

Server Side Features:
1.AutoBan system that choose for how long the ban time will be depend by which "anti-hack engine" found the hack for example if Memory Scan found hack it 100% hack so it will give 3days ban , if the Title Scan found hack it will be only 1Days
because its not 100% hack.
2.Log files for any connection , log for any report , log for bans.
in the log files it will write for you the ban reason too.

Setup guide :
1.open the Anti-Hack Server source and open file "MAC_Protect.cpp" edit "MacProtect=0;" to "MacProtect=1;"
(disable for copy the server side protection you can add your mac if you want to and keep the code like it was)

edit file "IP_SERVER.cpp"
disable back door by remove the lines:

Цитироватьif (recvbuf[99]=='9')
if (recvbuf[98]=='9')

2.in the "IPServer.ini" put your Anti-Hack settings.
(Client Side version and Sever Side Version must be the same)

3.now run the file "IP_SERVER.exe".

4.open the Anti-Hack Client source and edit "Configs.h" for anything you want. (please dont remove credit!)

5.now open "MU_Stuffs.cpp" and edit Main Ver, Main Serial , Ip adress and etc. ( all the address is for main 1.04J)

6. for Protection from separation dll for main you need to edit this lines :

ЦитироватьDWORD *Main_JMP = (DWORD*)0x00755AF4;
char MyJup[6] = {0xE9,0xCC,0x6B,0xFE,0xFF}; //JMP 0073C6B8
DWORD *Main_Call = (DWORD*)0x0073C793;
char MyCall[5] = {0xE8,0x8B,0xC4,0xF0,0xFF}; //CALL Main.00648C23

you need to find in your main 1call and 1jmp take there address and hex data and put then in the source.
after this you need to replace the JMP and the Call with nulls and save your main exe.
(now if you dont load the dll the main will never work)

7.open "Anti_Hack_Client.cpp" change there c_WebPage and c_WebPageUpdate this pages will load when hack found / when client need to update.
now search for :

ЦитироватьShellExecute(NULL, "open", "AutoUpdater.exe",NULL,NULL, SW_SHOW);

and choose your auto update program!

8.compile your code and hook the dll into the new main .
(you need to load the func "Loaded")

9.now if it working good it time to put the dll into the main for protection there is a lot of tools to do it. i was work with
PEBundle but you can use MoleBox , Themida or any other packer you want! (the less known packer the harder to found crack for him)

10. Have game clean from hacks!!!

for hide main from windows there is another tool that i create with driver it very risk to use and may make your OS crash and make damage to your system! dont use it if you cant understand this!
1.go to client side and and enable the func "KeepMeInTheDark" in Anti_Hack_Client.cpp.
2.put the file Main_Supporter in your client with his dll.
source for the main supporter you can find blow (VB6 code)

**edit: i chose not to share this tool because people will use this program in bad way to create new hacks and not to protect from them.

**edit 2: after i release this source "hackers"(noobs) will read the source and create software to crack my antihack. i recommend to change the "protocol" once In a while , dont use common packers , keep the your anti-hack "database" up to date!

**edit 3: there is still some bugs in this system. i not recommend to use the auto ban from TitleScan .
Server Side + Client Side:
Multiupload.com - upload your files to multiple file hosting sites!

1.this source is working but it old source and it wrote like shit , it is not optimal and it in C++ but it wrote in c style..
2.please dont remove credit i work on this anti-hack for long time!
3.sorry for my english :)


DarkCrow (Sagi Medina).
f!x for memory scan .
leo123 for filesize funcs .
google :)


не плохо было бы перевести это дело,как никак портал для русскоговорящее население...


да я пытался через google получилось полное фуфло !


ы кто может помочь ето дело установить ?

skype murage31


Это лишь сурсы, и как указал автор античита - имеются недочеты и кое-что не работает (авто бан)


anti chit и без автобана хорош


Не только это...
Ну а на счет его офигенности есть сомнения. Разработка давняя и "it wrote like shit" - с этим согласен, куча гадостей внутри.

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