⭐ EliteMU MEDIUM x200 Launch - 21.FEBRUARY ❄️

Автор elitemu14, 2025 Фев. 16, 00:55

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EliteMU v4.0 is out and ready to surprise everyone !
MEDIUM x200 is going to be our first server which will have v4.0 updates already from the start of opening. We have made many improvements, added new content (items, bosses and pets), as well as new features - so get ready. Join Us !

OPENING 21.FEBRUARY (19:00 by Server Time)

• Website: https://elitemu.net
• Registration: https://elitemu.net/registration
• Downloads: https://elitemu.net/downloads
• Discord: https://discord.gg/dHj7YmPaWY (Community Group)

• Version: Season 6 Episode 3
• Experience: x200 (Dynamic system)
----- 0 GR: x200
----- 1 GR: x180 (-10%, less EXP)
----- 2 GR: x160 (-20%, less EXP)
----- 3 GR: x140 (-30%, less EXP)
----- 4 GR: x120 (-40%, less EXP)
----- 5 GR: x100 (-50%, less EXP)
• Master EXP: x10
• Drop: 50%

• Shadow Phantom Soldier Buffer: ON (till 380 level)
• VIP Buffer: ON (till 400 level)
• Official MU Helper: ON
• Regular items: max 2 excellent options [HOT]
• Unique items: max 3 excellent options [LIMITED]
• Store/Off-Store System: OFF (items for sale only in website market or regular trade)
• Off-Level Mode: ON
• Master Skill Tree: ON
• Max Master Level: 400
• Class required level: SUM 1 = lvl, MG = 220 lvl, DL = 250 lvl, RF = 250 lvl
• Points Per Level: 5/6/7
• Guild Create Level: 300
• Max Stats: 32767
• Max Total Stats (Max GR + Max Resets): SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 104675 stat points & MG, DL, RF = 110293 stat points [LIMITED]

• Reset Limit: 50 resets
• Reset Requirement: 400 level
• Reset Price: 2kk * resets (items +Zen are important)
• Reset Reward: 10 Coins & 5 Gold Coins
----- Clear Magic/Spells: OFF
----- Clear Inventory: OFF
----- Clear Class: OFF
----- Clear Stats: ON
---------- Reset Points: SM, ELF, BK, SUM = 1000 points * resets & MG, DL, RF = 1100 points * resets
• Max GR: 5 (+1000 HP per GR)
• GR Requirements: 50 resets & 400 level
• GR Item Requirements: 2x Random system generated items [UNIQUE]
• GR Price: 200kk (items +Zen are important)
• GR Reward: 1000 Coins & 100 Gold Coins [HOT]
----- Clear Magic/Spells: OFF
----- Clear Inventory: OFF
----- Clear Class: OFF
----- Clear Stats: ON
---------- on 1st GR: 10500 points
---------- on 2nd GR: 21000 points
---------- on 3rd GR: 31500 points
---------- on 4th GR: 42000 points
---------- on 5th GR: 52500 points

• In-game Commands: ON
----- /post: global chat, requirement level: 10 (100k Zen)
----- /stat: add stat points (example: /str, /agi, /vit, /ene, /cmd)
----- /resetstats: reset stats to stat points
----- /resetml: reset ML points (10kk Zen, need 400 level)
----- /mix jewel amount: Mix jewels into bundle (example: /mix bless 10)
----- /unmix jewel amount: Unmix bundle into single units
----- /ware 0/1/2/3/4: Change warehouse
----- /vipware : (VIP) Open warehouse from any safezone [HOT]
----- /request off/on/auto: to deny or accept any requests (trade, party and other requests)
----- /setparty password: to create party with password (party is saved on password, not on player name, so password must be unique)
----- /joinparty password: to join party with password
----- /marry to: to propose and accept marry
----- /marry track/trace: teleports you to your husband/wife
----- /war guild: challange another guild to guild war
----- /item name: find all item information (example: /staff of kundun)

• Monster Level: ON (press + hold ALT key on monster to see monster stats)
• Monster HP: ON (can see monster HP bar)
• Dropped Item Info: ON (press + hold ALT key on item to see options)
• Marry System: ON
• Auto Reconnect System: ON (up to 15 minutes) [HOT]
• Gens System: ON
• Custom Jewels: ON [LIMITED]
• Custom Options: ON [UNIQUE]
• Goblin Point System: ON
• Happy Hour: ON (extra EXP Bonus 2x times per day for 1 hour)
• Cash Shop 'X': ON (pets, EXP buffs, tickets and more) [LIMITED]
• Chaos Card: ON (great rewards)
• Cherry Blossom: ON (useful drops)
• Golden & Silver Sealed Box: ON
• Extra EXP locations: ON (extra EXP Bonus in specific maps)
• And More

• Exchange W Coins (C): ON (can ONLY collect, can not donate)
• Clear Inventory: ON
• Vote Reward: ON (vote every 12h - Free Coins)
• Quests (Achievements): ON [HOT]
• Character Market: ON
• Currency Market: ON
• Item Market: ON
• Senior Lord Mix: ON (Unique 380 lvl weapons with 3 excellent options) [HOT]
• Lucky Coins Lottery: ON (Unique Rings & Pendants with 3 excellent options) [HOT]
• Item Shop: ON [LIMITED]
----- FO items: OFF (max 2 excellent options)
----- Item level +15 in Webshop: OFF (max level +12, only in-game max level +15)
----- BOK +4, BOK +5 items in Webshop: OFF
----- 380 lvl items in Webshop: OFF
----- Ancient items in Webshop: OFF
----- Socket items in Webshop: OFF
----- 3 lvl & 4 lvl wings in Webshop: OFF
----- Fenrir & other Pets in Webshop: OFF
• And More

• Party Exp Bonus: ON (all party members must have different classes to get EXP Bonus)
----- Duo Exp Bonus: + 0% EXP
----- Bronze Party Exp Bonus: + 3% EXP
----- Silver Party Exp Bonus: + 4% EXP
----- Gold Party Exp Bonus: + 5% EXP

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