
[Private]XG SII.X~~

Автор 0cter, 2016 Дек. 08, 01:38

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[font="Trebuchet MS"]XeonDev Mu Online

Version: Season 2.X(Storm)

Product website: XGSII.X

###### Features #####

-> Protocol JPN (GS/GSCS)
-> SQL Connection (GS/GSCS)
-> Wings 3 - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Class 3 - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Quest 3 - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Login Classes - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> PreviewChar - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Golden Fenrir - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Golden Fenrir Mix - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Golden Fenrir Repier - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Golden Fenrir PreviewChar - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Chaos Machine Mixes Season 3 - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Wings 3 PreviewChar - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Custom Drop System (GS/GSCS)
-> GameMasters Head Icon (GS/GSCS)
-> LotteryItemMix (GS/GSCS)
-> War Results (GS/GSCS)
-> Attack Player, Attack Monster (GS/GSCS)
-> DataServer Protocol Fix
-> ExDB Protocol Fix
-> Character Create,Login,Switch - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Season 3 (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Talk (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Teleport (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Reduce Zen (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Take Items (GS/GSCS)
-> New NPC Quest Count Monster Kills (GS/GSCS)
-> Fixed AddFuncColor - 100% (GS/GSCS)
-> Fixed Crash GameServerCS from AddFuncColor -100%
-> Fixed gObjGetItemCountInIventory - 100% (GSCS)
-> Fixed GCSendQuestPrize - 100% (GSCS)
-> Fixed AddExpirience (GS/GSCS)
-> Fixed ItemDropRate (GS/GSCS)
-> Protocol Secure Packets (GS/GSCS)
-> Added GM Logs,Resets,Posts,GameServer
-> Added Automatic creation of folders if missing
-> Added Automatic teleport when connect ingame to safe zone if user was in events before
-> Added WareHouse secure use
-> Added Npc click warehouse secure use
-> Added CashShop Full Items Support
-> Added MaxStats 65 000 Support
-> Added Option Disable ZenDrop in Server
-> Added New % Prices for Items, Jewels
-> Removed GameGuard Read Files
-> Added New Chaos Mixes Boxes
-> Added New Chaos Mixes New Jewels
-> Added New Chaos UnMixes Boxes
-> Added New Chaos UnMixes New Jewels
-> Added New Chaos Mixes Boxes,Jewels Settings Rate & Zen
-> Added Chaos Machine Mix Condor Feather
-> Added 7 New Jewels
-> Added New Jewels Rate Settings
-> Added New Way for Logs Server Stuff
-> Added Read ServerInfo.dat File Correct
-> Added First 1.00.18 GameServer Display
-> Added New Wings Effect
-> Added New Wings Excellent Support Dmg,Level,Options
-> Added New Golden Fenrir Effects + Dmg,Level,Options
-> Hero System Fully Working
-> NonPK Server Read Correct
-> Added Login Users Online
-> Added Login GameMasters Online
-> Added Login Show Time & Date
-> Added Login Show MarryName is Online
-> Added Automatic Tables Create in Database
-> Added Automatic Clear ConnectStat = 1 to ConnectStat = 0 when run Server
-> Added Improvement in SQL Connection
-> Added Secure for Add Stats
-> Added 3rd Class Important Fix
-> Added Dark Lord Enter Server Fix
-> Added Player Die 3rd Class Respawn Fix
-> Added Chaos Machine Important Fix
-> Added PreviewClassCharacter Important Fix
-> Added SelectScreenCharacter Important Fix
-> Added Fix Crash AntiHack Weapon
-> Added Chaos Machine Bundled Jewel of Bless to support
-> Added Chaos Machine Bundled Jewel of Soul to support
-> Added Chaos Machine Condor Flame to support
-> Added Chaos Machine Condor Feather to support
-> Added Automatic Chat System + Timer Ban
-> Added SQL support for 2000+ for Chat System DateTime
-> Added GameServer>Load>Option Reload to Reload all Settings
-> Added MoveReq.txt -> MoveReq.bmd 100% Correct
-> Added Item.txt -> Item.bmd 100% Correct
-> Added Elf Buff Defence Infinity time
-> Added Elf Buff Attack Infinity time
-> Added Corrections to AntiHack System + Flood (Improved)
-> Added GameServer Messages Information
-> Added Improved Reload System + Information Display
-> Added Improved Custom Drop System (With Monster or Map Settings)
-> Added Custom Zen Drop System
-> Added Option Disable Login Messages
-> Added Option Disable Online Users Messages When Login
-> Added Automatic Expirience System
-> Added Automatic Expirience System Configs
-> Added Support Excellent Shops Options
-> Added Improved Balance System
-> Added Option to Disable Connect Player Messages
-> Added Option to Disable Connect Game Master Messages
-> Added Improved Excellent Items Configs
-> Added Improved Excellent Item Drop Configs
-> Added Golden Invasion Map Spawn Configs
-> Added Urgent Update for Some Commands Security
-> Added New Upgrade for Multi Vault System
-> Added Important Fix for Multi Vault System Block Items
-> Added Option to Open Vault outside town
-> Added Important Fix for Open Vault outside town Block Items
-> Added Feather Drop Rate From Monsters
-> Added Quest3 Item Drop From Monsters
-> Added Jewel Prices Settings
-> Added Dark Horse Defence Settings
-> Added Upgrade for Excl. Items Drop Settings
-> Added Quest 3 Items Drops
-> Added Quest 3 Items Drop Settings Rates
-> Added Quest 3 Save Quest in Database - Beta!
-> Added Happy Hour Event Settings
-> Added Happy Hour Player Bonus Exp & Drop Zen
-> Added Vip System Settings
-> Added Vip System Player Bonus Exp & Drop Items
-> Added Vip System Commands Settings
-> Added Important Update Server Crash Chaos Machine
-> Added Important Update VIP System Bonus Experience
-> Added Important Update VIP System Bonus Drop Items
-> Added Correction for Events Rewards Multiply Items Rewarded
-> Added Reset System Settings
-> Added Stats Limit ADD

// Customs
-> Login Messages Server Bar
-> Login Notice GameMaster
-> Login Notice Normal Players
-> Experience System
-> New 7 Jewels
-> New Coins Zen
-> New Boxes Jewels
-> CallCharacter System
-> Game Master System
-> Golden Archer System
-> Blood Castle System
-> Devil Square System
-> Chaos Castle System
-> White Wizzard System
-> News System
-> AutoExp System
-> Happy Hour System
-> Vip System
-> Reset System

// Server Settings
-> Guards Message
-> Max Level
-> Max Level No Exp
-> Item Duration Time
-> User Close Time
-> Potions
-> LevelUp Points
-> Summon Orbs
-> Transform Rings
-> Jewel Rates
-> Excellent Items Drop
-> Excellent Items Bonus
-> Golden Invasion Monsters
-> Party Experience
-> Kundun Drop Items
-> Chaos Castle Minimum Players
-> Elf Buff Max Level
-> Elf Buff Damage & Defence
-> Guild Alliance Minimum Players
-> Mana Shield
-> Great Fortitude
-> Dark Horse Mix
-> Dark Raven Endurance
-> Dark Spirit Mix
-> Chaos Machine Mixes
-> Jewel Prices

// Commands
-> /post
-> /str (Without Relog)
-> /agi (Without Relog)
-> /vit (Without Relog)
-> /ene (Without Relog)
-> /cmd (Wihtout Relog)
-> /info
-> /myinfo
-> /time
-> /online
-> /war
-> /bau
-> /open
-> /clear
-> /clearpk
-> /exit
-> /clearhero
-> /vip
-> /vipbuy
-> /vipon
-> /vipoff
-> /viplist
-> /reset
GM Commands:
-> /drop
-> /mute
-> /unmute
-> /banchar
-> /unbanchar
-> /banacc
-> /unbanacc
-> /disc
-> /trace
-> /moveall
-> /gg
-> /zen
-> /gmove
-> /setpk
-> /reload
-> /skin
-> /moveguild

// Security
-> Character Creation
-> WareHouse Dupe
-> Lahap Dupe
-> Attack Speed
-> AntiHack
-> Anti Crash Packets
-> Guild Unicode
-> Character Name Unicode

// Client
-> 3D Camera
-> Linear
-> OpenGL
-> ScreenShot Folder
-> New Jewels
-> New Items
-> Siege Skills
-> Jewel Prices
-> Window Name
-> Seals Move Fix
-> Decoded Logs
-> PreviewCharacter
-> Second Weapon Preview
-> Font Fix
-> MiniMap
-> Unicode Support Language

###### Changelog #####

- Created GameServer Project
- Created WzAG.dll File
- Created Data/Shop/ Folder
- Created Data/Shop/ Read Shop Files
- Removed GameGuard Secure
- Removed WebZen Stuff
- Added CheckSum Option
- Fixed ChaosMachine Open
- Fixed ChaosMachine Put Items
- Fixed ChaosMachine Mix items
- Fixed GameServer First Path Read
- Fixed GameServer read folder ..\Data\
- Fixed GameServer read file .\Data\ServerInfo.dat
- Added GameServer Title Name
- Added GameServerCS Title Name
- Added GameServer Design View
- Added GameServer gObjViewportPaint
- Fixed CashShop SMDFile Error
- Added Chaos Machine Fenrir Mixes
- Fixed Chaos Machine China language
- Added Data\Events Folder
- Changed Path BloodCastle.dat to folder Events
- Changed Path DevilSquare.dat to folder Events
- Changed Path ChaosCastle.dat to folder Events
- Changed Path CastleDeepEvent.dat to folder Events
- Changed Path CryWolf.dat to folder Events
- Changed Path EventManagement.dat to folder Events
- Changed Path Kanturu.dat to folder Events
- Changed Path MuCastleData.dat to folder Events
- Changed Path RingAttackEvent.dat to folder Events
- Added Data\Terrains Folder
- Changed Path Terrains to folder Terrains
- Added Data\Itembags Folder
- Changed Path EventItemBags to folder Itembags
- Added Data\Skill Folder
- Changed Path SkillAdditionInfo.dat to folder Skill
- Changed Path skillSpear.hit to folder Skill
- Changed Path skillElect.hit to folder Skill
- Added Data\Monster Folder
- Fixed 380Option SMD File Read
- Fixed ItemAddOption SMD File Read
- Fixed JewelOfHarmony SMD File Read
- Fixed SetItemOption SMD File Read
- Fixed MonsterItemMng SMD File Read
- Fixed MonsterItemMng Delete Item
- Changed Path MonsterSkillElement to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterSkillUnit to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterSkill to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterAIElement to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterAutomata to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterAIUnit to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterAIRule to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterAIGroup to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterSetBase to folder Monster
- Changed Path MonsterSetBase_CS to folder Monster
- Changed Path KanturuMonsterSetBase to folder Monster
- Removed GameGuard from GameServer
- Removed GameGuard from GameServerCS
- Fixed GameServer source GameGuard
- Fixed GameServer options : GameServer or Siege select build
- Fixed WzAG.dll for GameServer
- Fixed WzAg.dll for GameServerCS
- Added Data\Messages Folder
- Changed Path Messages to folder Messages
- Added Data\Moves Folder
- Changed Path Gate to folder Moves
- Changed Path MoveLevel to folder Moves
- Changed Path MovePath to folder Moves
- Changed Path Gate to folder Moves
- Added Data\Items Folder
- Changed Path ItemAddOption to folder Items
- Changed Path JewelOfHarmonyOption to folder Items
- Changed Path JewelOfHarmonySmelt to folder Items
- Added Data\Dec Folder
- Changed Path Decode to folder Dec
- Changed Path Encode to folder Dec
- Added Data\CashShop Folder
- Changed Path CashShopList to folder CashShop
- Changed Path CashShopOption to folder CashShop
- Changed Path ChaosCardProbability to folder Items
- Finished GameServer Rebuild Files !!!
- Fixed GameServer MaxUsersOnline Count
- OffTrade System Started to build
- Added OffTrade System
- Added ResponErrorCloseClient function OffTrade
- Added ClientClose function OffTrade
- Added GameServer Reload function OffTrade
- Added OffTrade buy menu: Chaos,Soul,Bless,Creation
- Added GMMng messages for OffTrade
- Added CSPJoinIdPassRequest for OffTrade
- Added CGPShopReqBuyItem for OffTrade
- Added Data\Custom Folder
- Added GameServer Port
- Added JoinServer Port
- Added ExDB Port
- Added DataServer Port
- Added GameServer IP
- Added JoinServer IP
- Added ExDB IP
- Added DataServer IP
- Added Configs in Server
- Added Reload Configs in Server
- Added Display Message when Configs are Reloaded
- Added Login Message in Server
- Added Disconnect Message in Server
- Added UDP Port GameServer
- Added UDP Port GameServerCS
- Added Switch UDP Port When Build Project
- Added GameServer CheckSum Option Support
- Added GameServerCS CheckSum Option Support
- Added CheckSum Enable/Disable Option
- Fixed GameServer Crash From Configs
- Fixed GameServer Crash From GameServer wrong port
- Fixed GameServer Ports & Ip Reads
- Added New Message System for Messages inGame
- Added Messages.ini File
- Added Post Command Messages
- Removed Message "Game working response error causes conclusion (%d)(%s)(%s)(%s)"
- Added gObjCharZeroSet OffTrade Status 0
- Added gObjSecondDurDown OffTrade Fix
- Removed m_LastTeleportTime, because no needed
- Added Lucky Item Fix
- Added Lucky Item Remove Fix
- Fixed CloseClient to support gObjDel function
- Fixed CloseClient to support closesocket function
- Added CGPShopAnsClose OffTrade Fix
- Fixed OffTrade to Force Disconnect User
- OffTrade System Completed..
- Added Balance System of Characters
- Added Custom Class vs Class Balance Settings
- Removed CheckAttackArea for Siege
- Fixed Double Damage Characters
- Fixed Damage Minus Characters
- Added Balance System to Reload Option
- Added Balance System Character Damages
- Added Anti Flood System
- Added Anti Flood System BanList
- Added News System
- Fixed m_WeaponDamagedTargetInfo
- Fixed gObjSetItemStatPlusSpecial, by add AT_SET_OPTION_IMPROVE_LEADERSHIP value
- Added gObjFixGagesOverflow for fix Max Hp,Mana,SD not to overstat after 65535 stats(Limit for stats)
- Added ApplyInventoryItems Function
- Rebuilded gObjCalCharacter Function
- Added CalCharacter Balance Settings
- Added JGPGetCharList Upgrade
- Fixed GameServerCS Port Running
- Removed error-L2 : header error
- Added Custom Jewel System
- Added CGItemDropRequest For Custom Jewels Drops
- Added Custom Jewels Settings
- Added CGUseItemRecv Custom Jewels
- Added Custom Drop System
- Added gObjMonster to drop Custom Drop System
- Added Custom Drop System Settings
- Fixed Custom Drop System Error
- Added Game Master System
- Added GCSkillInfoSend Function
- Added MsgSendDistNear Function
- Added GameMasters Commands
- Added GameMaster Option Enable/Disable System
- Added GameMasters Option Enable/Disable Connect Announcements
- Added GameMaster command /drop
- Added GameMaster command /pkclear
- Added UpdateCharInfo Function
- Added /addstr command
- Added /addagi command
- Added /addvit command
- Added /addene command
- Added /addcmd command
- Added /skin command
- Added /mobskin command
- Added /gmove command
- Added /copyright command
- Added /playerinfo command
- Added /gg command
- Added /gmoveall command
- Added /whois command
- Added /addbuff command
- Fixed CObjUseSkill::WizardMagicDefense codes
- Added Correct Magic Gladiator skills
- Added Correct Dark Wizzard skills
- Added Mana Shield error if Mana Shield is bigger than 100%
- Added Magic Gladiator Soul Barrier config
- Added /setzen command
- Added /pkset command
- Added /invisible command
- Fixed Twister Slash Bug
- Fixed CObjUseSkill::UseSkill character skills use
- Added Correction using of skills
- Added Option Reset Combo Skill under Level 220
- Added gObjSetCharacter Fix for Combo Skill
- Removed gObjMagicAddEnergyCheckOnOff function
- Fixed CObjAttack::Attack Skills
- Rebuilded Character Skills Functions
- Rebuilded Structures of Skills
- Skills & Pets & Damage & Defence & etc.. rebuilded full
- Added Max Damage Hit GCDamageSend
- Added Max Status 65535 Support
- Added Max Damage Display not to go over 65535
- Added MaxPartyLevelDifference Settings
- Fixed CGPartyRequestRecv Function
- Added LevelUpPoints Configs
- Added Max Level Configs
- Fixed GameServer Crash Problem
- Fixed GameServer Create 1.4GB Log File when crash server
- Removed CObjBaseAttack::PkCheck request protocol version
- Added Castle Siege Can Hit Same Team Fix
- Added Castle Siege CheckUnionGuild Function
- Added Castle Siege Safe Zone Function
- Added CryWolf Elf Altar Fix
- Added PvP System
- Added PvP System Settings
- Added PvP Player Settings
- Added PvP Server Settings Drop/Hero/Pk
- Fixed NpcFasi Protocol
- Fixed NpcFasi TargetNumber to -1
- Added NpcFasi PkLimitFree Settings
- Fixed CGItemDropRequest Function
- Fixed CGTalkRequestRecv Function
- Added WareHouse Time Tick Option
- Fixed GDSetWarehouseList Function
- Added 3 Seconds Delay time for WareHouse
- Fixed GCGuildWarRequestResult Function
- Fixed gObjPlayerKiller Function
- Fixed gObjUserDie Function
- Added gObjAddSingleExp Function
- Fixed gObjPkDownTimeCheck Function
- Fixed gObjMoveGate Function
- Added PkLimitFree Option for Server from PvP System
- Added NonPk Option for Server from PvP System
- Fixed GameServer not to read from commonserver.cfg PkItemDrop, it will take from PvP System
- Fixed Important Character Moves on Maps
- Fixed Character X and Y possitions in maps, recall, login, switch, die
- Fixed Logs to go inside folder Log
- Added automatic create folder Log if not exist to prevent gameserver crash
- Added Elf Soldier NPC Max Level Settings
- Added Elf Soldier NPC Buff Defence Settings
- Added Elf Soldier NPC Buff Attack Settings
- Added Guild Alliance Count Members
- Added Guild War Messages
- Added Guild War Request Members Option
- Updated gObjMonsterExpDivision Function Drop Zen
- Added Drop Zen Settings
- Fixed Command Post Time Wait
- Fixed Command Add
- Added 100% Ingame Add Points (Without Relog)
- Added Add Points Automatic Update Character Status
- Added Missing Messages in Messages.ini file
- Fixed CGLiveClient Function
- Removed HackClient SpeedHack Disconnect Players
- Fixed Dark Lord Creation Character
- Fixed Magic Gladiator Creation Character
- Added IsJOHonAncient Option
- Added IsExcellentAncient Option
- Added Option to Enable/Disable Sell Quest Items
- Added Option for Item Loop Time
- Added Chaos Machine Support Wings 3 Mixes
- Added ChaosMachine Custom Rates
- Fixed gObjWingSprite Function
- Added Wings Level 3 Support
- Fixed gObjMakePreviewCharSet Function
- Added Quest 3 Mission to Server
- Added Requested Items for Quest3
- Added NPC Move possitions
- Added NPC Talk
- Added Required Items in Inventory
- Added Delete Items when complate Quest3
- Added Save Character Status Quest
- Fixed GameMaster Ring
- Fixed Santa Girl Ring
- Fixed ItemMoveInInventory Function
- Fixed ItemTrade Function
- Added Skill Requirements Level to use
- Added Serial 0 Configs
- Added Serial 0 Trade Configs
- Added Serial 0 Repier Configs
- Fixed gObjValidItem Function
- Fixed gObjIsItemPut Function
- Fixed CGModifyRequestItem Function
- Fixed gObjPenaltyDurDown Function
- Fixed gObjWeaponDurDown Function
- Fixed gObjArmorRandomDurDown Function
- Fixed gObjWeaponDurDownInCastle Function
- Fixed CItem::SimpleDurabilityDown Function
- Fixed CItem::DurabilityDown2 Function
- Fixed CItem::DurabilityDown Function
- Fixed CItem::SimpleDurabilityDown Function
- Fixed CItem::NormalWeaponDurabilityDown Function
- Fixed CItem::BowWeaponDurabilityDown Function
- Fixed CItem::StaffWeaponDurabilityDown Function
- Fixed CItem::ArmorDurabilityDown Function
- Fixed CItem::Value() Function
- Added Jewel Prices Configs
- Added Jewel Rates Configs
- Fixed gObjItemRandomLevelUp Function
- Added AntiShadow Bug for Jewels
- Fixed gObjItemRandomOption3Up Function
- Removed CJewelMixSystem::MixJewel Serial 0 Option
- Removed CJewelMixSystem::UnMixJewel Serial 0 Option
- Fixed gObjInventorySearchSerialNumber Function
- Fixed Potions Bug when switch character
- Fixed Potions Heal,Mana,SD Support
- Fixed Potions 255 Support
- Fixed Chaos Machine Succsess Mix Rates
- Fixed CGBeattackRecv Function
- Fixed PMSG_BEATTACK_COUNT Structures
- Fixed CGDurationMagicRecv Function
- Fixed gObjMagicAdd Function
- Fixed gObjItemLevelUp Function
- Added Anti Shadow Bug for ItemLevelUp
- Fixed gObjMonsterCall Function
- Fixed gObjMonsterCallKill Function
- Fixed gObjCheckTeleportArea Function
- Fixed gObjCheckAttackAreaUsedPath Function
- Fixed gObjCheckattackAreaUsedViewPort Function
- Fixed gObjCheckAttackArea Function
- Fixed gUserFindDevilSquareInvitation Function
- Fixed gUserFindDevilSquareKeyEyes Function
- Fixed gObjSendUserStatistic Function + Max Level Option
- Fixed CBloodCastle::LevelUp Error
- Fixed CChaosCastle::LevelUp Error
- Fixed CCrywolfUtil::CrywolfMVPLevelUp Error
- Fixed CObjUseSkill::SpeedHackCheck Function (Beta)
- Fixed CGMagicAttack Function
- Fixed Party Regular Blow Health (Beta)
- Fixed gObjInventoryRollback Function
- Fixed gObjInventoryTrans Function
- Fixed gObjInventoryCommit Function
- Fixed BloodCastleItemChaosMix Function
- Fixed ChaosBoxItemDown Function
- Fixed Option +28 Display
- Fixed Option +28 Save Character
- Fixed Buy/Sell Money Values
- Fixed Class Characters
- Fixed Class Characters Spawn Maps
- Fixed Class Level 3 Enter inGame
- Fixed Class Level 3 PreviewCharacter
- Fixed Wings Level 3 Options
- Fixed Wings Level 3 Enter inGame
- Fixed Wings Level 3 PreviewCharacter
- Fixed Some wrong function
- Fixed Options +255 Support
- Fixed Logout/Enter ingame save information
- Fixed Visual Bugs in all Wings
- Fixed Jewel of Life Full Option Support
- Fixed GameServer Messages
- Fixed MoveGates Functions
- Added Option for checking skills when moving over Gates
- Added Option for Skills Using
- Fixed Trade Button Zen
- Fixed Vault Zen Storage
- Fixed Required Class 3 to wear Items and Wings
- Fixed Chaos Machine Wing Level 3 Mix
- Fixed Feather Of Condor Mix Options
- Rebuilded some codes to make faster optimization
- Fixed Twister Slash without a weapon
- Fixed Use Skills to kill monsters
- Fixed Chaos Machine put Bundled Jewels
- Fixed Wings gObjItemLevelUp Option Support
- Fixed Wings gObjItemRandomLevelUp Option Support
- Fixed Wings gObjItemRandomOption3Up Option Support
- Fixed Wings gObjIsItemPut Option Support
- Fixed Wings ItemDurRepaire Option Support
- Added Option some Items cannot be repired (stable)
- Fixed Wings IsExtLifeAdd Option Support
- Fixed Wings IsExtManaAdd Option Support
- Fixed Wings IsExtDefenseSuccessfull Option Support
- Fixed Wings IsExtAttackSpeed Option Support
- Fixed Wings IsWingOpGetOnePercentDamage Option Support
- Fixed Wings ItemGetDurability Option Support
- Updated CheckDamageReturnWing Function
- Updated CheckFullLifeRecoveryWing Function
- Updated CheckFullManaRecoveryWing Function
- Updated CheckThirdWingsSuccessfulBlocking Function
- Updated CObjBaseAttack::GetTargetDefense Function
- Updated CWeapon::Attack Function
- Updated CItem::IsClass Function
- Updated CMagicDamage::SkillGetRequireClass Function
- Updated gObjViewportListProtocolCreate Function
- Added NpcBuffer Time use buff skill
- Updated gObjSkillUseProc Function
- Updated gObjTeleportMagicUse Function
- Updated CSetItemOption::IsRequireClass Function
- Updated CQuestInfo::GetSubquestInfo Function
- Added Terrains 41,42,43 Maps Support
- Added secure add points limit
- Updated gObjLevelUpPointAdd Function
- Cases for All classes LevelUpPoints stable
- Cannot go over the limit points
- Added Message when reach max points settings
- Updated CGLiveClient Function disconnect player
- Fixed ServerInfo.dat file read correct in GameServerData folder
- Added Class 3 LevelUp Points Bonus
- Fixed 65 000 Stats Support
- Fixed Stats Add Limit for 65 000 Stats
- Fixed Player HP for 65 000 Stats
- Fixed GameServer Support 65 000 Strenght, Agility, Vitality, Energy, Leadership, Experience, NextExperience
- Fixed Character Class 3 Enter Events
- Added Update for Quest 3 Missions
- Added Update for Quest 3
- Added secure for NPC Talk
- Updated GCManaSend Function
- Updated GCReFillSend Function
- Fixed Character Mana Bar Refill
- Fixed Character HP Bar Refill
- Quest 3 Evolution Finished
- Quest 3 Class Save and Enter ingame Finished
- Fixed Castle Siege Bug
- Added Castle Siege check Guild Owner or Assistant
- Removed Message [CastleDeep Event] ProcState_Closed()   LEFT-MSEC:%d
- Added Quest 3 Items Drops
- Added Quest 3 Rates Drop Items from Monsters
- Rebuilded MapClass::MapClass Function for Maps
- Rebuilded MapClass::GetMapPos Function for Maps
- Fixed CGTeleportRecv Function
- Added gObjUserDieSave Function for Player Die
- Updated CMapItem::CreateItem Function
- Updated CMapItem::DropCreateItem Function
- Fixed CMoveCheck::Insert Function Possition Y
- Fixed Over 300 Errors and Crash Problems ingame
- Fixed Critical Map Move Bug
- Removed DestroyGIocp Problems
- Fixed gObjViewportListProtocol Function Error
- Fixed gObjSetMonster Function Critical Bug
- Fixed gObjViewportListProtocol Class 3 Error
- Fixed gObjViewportListProtocolCreate Class 3 Error
- Fixed Nova Skill Use
- Fixed gObjSkillUseProcTime500 Function
- Fixed CObjUseSkill::SkillHellFire2 Function
- Fixed CMagicDamage::GetSkillAtt Function
- Fixed CMagicDamage::SkillGetRequireClass Function
- Rebuilded over 100 Function in ObjUseSkill
- Rebuilded CGMagicAttack Function Correct Skill use
- Fixed GameServer Errors
- Removed Some messages from gameserver logs
- Fixed Events Character Enter
- Builded Emulator version DataServer
- Fixed DataServer Errors
- Connection GameServer to DataServer finished
- Added Guard Message Display
- Added DataServer read character Resets
- Added GameServer read character Resets
- OffTrade Required Resets Fixed
- Chaos Machine Updated
- Updated gObjGuildMasterCapacityTest Function
- Added Custom Guild Make Settings
- Added DataServer Support 65k Stats
- Added Offline Experience System
- Added Offline Experience Configs
- Added Fixes of Character for Offline Experience System
- Added GameServer Window Display Offline Experience Players
- Fixed DataServer Critical Errors
- Fixed Command /gg
- Added Pk Clear System
- Added Pk Clear System Settings
- Added PK Clear System Messages
- Added PK Clear System NPC Talk
- Added Castle Siege Skills Using
- Added EventManagement.dat Update
- Added Blue Event System
- Added Blue Event Reward System
- Added Blue Event Timer
- Added Blue Event Configs
- Updated ItemBags Files Check Items
- Updated EventItemBag21.txt RedRibbonBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag22.txt GreenRibbonBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag23.txt BlueRibbonBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag24.txt PinkChocolateBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag25.txt RedChocolateBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag26.txt BlueChocolateBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag27.txt LightPurpleBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag28.txt VermilionBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag29.txt DeepBlueBox Options
- Updated EventItemBag17.txt KundunBossDrop Options
- Updated EventItemBag34.txt HalloweenPumpkin Options
- Updated EventItemBag18.txt BossAttackDrop Options
- Updated EventItemBag30.txt DearkElfDrop Options
- Updated EventItemBag31.txt BalgassBossDrop Options
- Updated EventItemBag32.txt MayaHandDrop Options
- Updated EventItemBag33.txt NightmareBossDrop Options
- Added Happy Hour System
- Added Happy Hour Bonus Experience and DropItem Rates
- Added Happy Hour Configs
- Fixed Game Masters to use M menu warp
- Fixed Game Masters Balloon Head Icon Display to normal users
- Removed commands /banacc and /banchar
- Fixed Chaos Machine Bug Alt+F4
- Fixed Chaos Machine Fail Item
- Fixed Chaos Machine Fail Item Reduce Item Level and Options only
- Fixed Duel Score
- CashShop Function Rebuilded
- Updated CryWolf.dat Event
- Updated MuCastleData.dat Event
- Updated Commonserver.cfg File
- Added Chaos Castle Minimum Players Enter Event Config
- Added ChaosCastle Custom Reward System
- Added ChaocCastle1.txt Reward Options
- Added ChaosCastle2.txt Reward Options
- Added ChaosCastle3.txt Reward Options
- Added ChaosCastle4.txt Reward Options
- Added ChaosCastle5.txt Reward Options
- Added ChaosCastle6.txt Reward Options
- Added ChaosCatle Winner Take Item Reward
- Fixed Chaos Castle Max Players Enter Event 100
- Fixed Guild Functions
- Fixed Guild Wars Functions
- Added Option Disable Personal ID
- Fixed Option Personal ID Use
Note: Important For Update : Edit MEMB_INFO > sno__numb > Lenght: 8 and Save!
- Added Close Time Option For Server
- Fixed Items Sell Prices
- Added Reset System
- Added Reset System Options
- Added Reset System Npc
- Fixed Character Delete
- Added Option For Game Master not to create new characters
- Added Golden Invasion in GameServer Window
- Fixed Golden Invasion Event Message Display
- Fixed GameServer Giocp Functions
- Added Fix GameServer Run Win2k3
- Fixed GameServer Protocol Guild System
- Fixed Guild Function not to Disconnect
- Fixed Guild Battle Master Error
- Fixed MonsterSetBase Functions
- Added Anti Dupe Secure
- Added Anti Disconnect Secure
- Fixed Game Master Login Display Message
- Fixed CGPartyRequestRecv Function
- Fixed CGPartyList Function
- Fixed CGPartyListAll Function
- Fixed CGPartyDelUser Function
- Added Party Exp Configs
- Rebuilded gObjMonsterExpDivision Function
- Rebuilded gObjMonsterExpSingle Function
- Rebuilded gObjExpParty Function
- Fixed Party Zen Drop
- Added Option Enable/Disable Attack Game Masters
- Added new NPC for PK Clear
- Fixed Golden Archer Talk
- Fixed Golden Archer Request Items
- Added Golden Archer Reward System
- Added Sky Event System
- Added Sky Event NPC
- Added Sky Event EventManagement Options
- Added Sky Event Reward System
- Changed GameServer Max Monsters From 5800 to 10500
- Added Max Sky Event Players per one Room is 10 Players
- Added Sky Event Request Item to Enter
- Added Shops Support Excellent Items
- All Shops Files were Updated
- Castle Deep Event Rebuilded Crash GameServerCS
- Fixed TradeItemInventoryPutTest Function
- Fixed Monsters Files Messages and Options
- Rebuilded MonsterSetBase Read File
- Fixed some minor bugs
- Updated OffExp System
- Fixed ELF OffExp Skill Use Triple Skill
- Fixed CMagicDamage::SkillGetRequireClass
- Fixed Quest3 Class Skills Save Character
- Added MultiWarehouse System
- DataServer Updated
- Database Updated
- Added MultiCharacter System
- Added Full Fix HP,Mana,SD Display
- Added Fake Online System
- Added GameServer new window Fake Online
- Added Game Master Command Enable/Disable Fake Online System
- Added Fake Online Configs
- Added Message when use command Enable/Disable Fake Online System
- Fixed Pets Bugs
- Fixed Kantru Event Wings Level 3 Enter
- Fixed Icarus Wings Level 3 Enter
- Fixed Coins Sell Zen

Client Update:
- New 3D Camera F8 , F9
- New Fog Effect
- New Fixes
- Monster HP Bar
- MultiCharacter
- MultiWarehouse
- Hebrew Language (Beta Version)
- China Language
- Bulgarian Language
- Added Full Fix HP,Mana,SD Display
- Fixed Interface Client
- Fixed Read Correct BMD Files
- New Minimize Option F12 + TrayIcon
- New Screen Resolution Support
- Added Jewel Drop Sound
- Added Jewel PickUp Sound
- Added Item Shine Effect Option
- Added Wings Effects Option
- Added Jewel Shine Effect
- Fixed Drop New Jewels
- MiniMap is Disabled for Now
- Removed ClientCheck Module
- Removed GameServer ClientCheck Module
- Gameserver,DataServer,Client fully work now with LiveGuard System
- Fixed DataServer Resets
- Fixed DataServer Stats Player
- Fixed Golden Archer settings
- Added Client more Options
- Fixed All Transform Rings + Effects + Options
- Fixed GameServer Account Already Connected Bug
- Added Vip System
- Added Vip System Automatic Reload Option
- Added Vip System DataBase Support
- Added DataServer Update Vip System
- Added Vip System Bonuses
- Added Vip System Settings
- Removed Reset System Clear Skills Option
- Added /gg command post in all sub servers
- Fixed OffTrade System
- Fixed CashShop Seals
- Fixed Client working with LiveGuard and UGK Antihack System problems
- Fixed Client Support Vietnam Language
- Added Fix in CSPJoinIdPassRequest Function
- Fixed CGClientCloseMsg Function
- Added Fixes in DataBase
- Added command /vip
- Added command /setvip
- Added command /deletevip
- Removed Fake Online System
- Fixed Dark Raven gain Experience
- Fixed OffTrade Sell
- Rebuilding Reset System
- Blood Castle Gate Bug Fixed
- Blood Castle Quest Drop Fixed
- Added Post Command Required Resets for using
- Added Main Thailand Language
- Added Main Hebrew Language
- Fixed Skills Bug
- Fixed EventManager to run only on GameServer
- Added Pack Jewels Chaos, Life, Creation, Guardian, Harmony
- Added Pack System Commands
- Added Pack System Configs
- Added Cataclysm Event System
- Added Scorpion King Event System
- Added Scorpion King Reward Options
- Fixed DataServer Read & Update Database CsPoints and Credits
- Added Update in Client Side Options
- Added new item Scorpion Mobility for teleport to event
- Added message for new item
- Added new display messages on items in client side
- Added new information about items in client side
- Added update in Jewels.ini file correction
- Added Fix for Custom Jewels
- Added Fix for Cutom Jewels Drop
- Fixed Client Visual Bugs
- Added Command /request On/Off
- Fixed Stanima Bug
- Fixed CObjUseSkill::UseSkill Function
- Fixed UseSkill Functions
- Added Custom Drop Event System
- Added Custom Drop Event Settings
- Added Custom Drop Event ItemBag Items
- Added Custom Drop Event in EventManager.dat file
- Added MessageSendNear to Players When Event Started
- Changed File Custom\Events\BlueEvent.txt to ItemBags Folder
- Fixed Bug Devias Not Drop Rewards
- Added Option Npc Buff Elf Required Resets for Using
- Fixed Bounch Boxes