CondorMU | S6 E3 | x100 & x1000 | GRAND OPENING в MU online

Автор muonlinelifes, 2016 Май 22, 15:29

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Ключевые слова [SEO] mu onlineсервер mucondormu


About CondorMU !
First LOW Server x100 will be online 10 JUNE and as second server we are planning to open HIGH Server in 24 JUNE !
Our goal is to have an internation long term servers, with regular updates, fixes and changes. In future, we would also like to open another rate server to have different servers for members of different taste !
We are using premium IGCN files and the server is hosted in France with good protection !
Join Us and do not forget to invite friends using Referral System !

LOW Server x100 Server Grand Opening 10.JUNE !
HIGH Server x1000 Server Grand Opening 24.JUNE !
Opening Time - 19:00 (+2 GMT) !

LOW Server Info:
  • Exp: x100 | Master Exp: x10 | Drop: x20
  • Max Level: 400
  • Max Master Level: 200
  • Max Stats: 32767
  • Points Per Level: 5 / 6 / 7
  • Post Command Cost: 100'000
  • Character creation level: SUM - 1, MG - 220, DL/RF - 250

  • /add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)
  • /requests off/on
  • /setparty pw (set AutoParty with password)
  • /prop & /teleport wife/husband (Marry System)

Chaos Machine Rates:
  • Item Mix to +10 = 65%
  • Item Mix to +11 = 60%
  • Item Mix to +12 = 55%
  • Item Mix to +13 = 50%
  • Item Mix to +14 = 45%
  • Item Mix to +15 = 40%
(Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)

Wings Creation Rates:
  • 3lvl Wings - 30%
  • 2lvl Wings - 80%
  • Feather of Condor: 70%

380 & 400lvl Items:
  • Can only be hunted from monsters level 130 and to wear them need required 380/400 level

Party Exp LOW Server x100:
--- Normal Party ---
  • 2 Characters: x200
  • 3 Characters: x300
  • 4 Characters: x400
  • 5 Characters: x500
--- Bonus Party ---
  • Bronze Party (3 different characters classes): x350
  • Silver Party (4 different characters classes): x475
  • Gold Party (5 different characters classes): x600

Reset System:

  • Reset From: 400lvl (bonus +10 Free Credits)
  • Reset Price: 10kk * resets
  • Stats After Reset: Stats Clear (RF/MG/DL - 1400 free points * resets and SM/ELF/BK/SUM - 1200 free points * resets)
  • Max Resets: 30 resets

Grand Reset System:
  • GR From: 30 resets (bonus +1000 Free Credits)
  • GR Free Points: 5000 Free Points * GR
  • GR Price: 2kkk
  • Max GR: 10 GR

Additional Info:
  • Auto Party System !
  • Reconnect System (no more disconnects) !
  • Events & Castle Siege !
  • Level roading (in higher maps have stronger mobs) !
  • Events with Bonus Exp !
  • Cash Shop (buffs & pets) !
  • Goblin Points System !
  • Exchange Online Hours to Free Credits !
  • Referral System !
  • Vote Reward every 12h !
  • Unique Box Drops !
  • No Excellent & Ancient items!
  • No VIP Servers !
  • No Full Option Items !
  • Can't be full stat !
  • AND MORE...

LOW Server x100 Server Grand Opening 10.JUNE !
HIGH Server x1000 Server Grand Opening 24.JUNE !
Opening Time - 19:00 (+2 GMT) !

Opening Times:
  • Argentina Time (13:00)
  • Philippines Time (00:00)
  • U.S.A Washington Time (11:00)
  • Brazil Time (13:00)
  • Russian Time (19:00)
  • United Kingdom Time (17:00)
  • Venezuela Time (11:30)
  • Vietnam Time (13:00)
  • Latvian Time (19:00)



доведи сперва до конца сайт


Цитата: drynea от 2016 Май 22, 23:04  доведи сперва до конца сайт

Start collect credits now, vote every 12h and get free credits: - 10 days till GRAND OPENING !


Цитата: muonlinelifes от 2016 Июнь 01, 10:52  FIXED !

Start collect credits now, vote every 12h and get free credits: - 10 days till GRAND OPENING !

хорошо,а что фиксил?





New Client is REQUIRED to Continue to play in Server, so please downloads New Client which is added @ Downloads !
Link to Downloads:
Server is BACK ONLINE in 19:15 (+2GMT) - you can see a timer at the top how minutes left !


Server Updates

Here are listed most noticeable changes in server !

[Fixed] GR Free Point save after each reset
[Fixed] Damage for some specific magis/spells
[Added] Summoner Socket set is available in itemshop now
[Added] Rage Fighter Socket set is available in itemshop now
[Changed] Harmony Option in itemshop is disabled, only in-game you can add...
[Changed] All classes PvM (player vs monster) damage has been changed
[Changed] Lucky Coin drop has been decreased
[Added] Few spots in medium maps
[Changed] Monster walking radius has been decreased
[Changed] PK Clear at website now costs 100kk - clears all PK status
[Added] New in-game command: /pkclear - cost 10kk * PK Count
[Changed] Castle Siege from Fridays to Saturdays
[Fixed] Itemshop issues
[Changed] Removed few items from itemshop
[Changed] 380/400lvl item level requirement has been removed, can be equiped from 1lvl now
[Added] New Client @ Downloads, required to wear 380/400lvl items from 1lvl



LOW Server x100 Server Re-Opening 7.JULY !
Opening Time - 19:00 (+2 GMT) !

There will be a lot of changes, and this topic can be edited and added more information at any time later !
CashShop will be rebuilded from 0. wCoins will be harder to get, because Reset and Grand Reset reward will be changed. In server also will be added Dynamic EXP system, /offtrade as well. PvP and PvM will be re-configured, few Events will be re-checked, Bosses & Golden monster drop, strenght and deffense, respawn time will be changed and a lot more little things will be changed, like Lucky Coin drop will be decreased a lot, but reward will be nicer, Gold/Silver boxes and keys will much harder to get, with better rewards of course....
Dynamic Exp:
0 - 5 resets (x100 EXP)
6 - 10 resets (x90 EXP)
11 - 15 resets (x80 EXP)
16 - 20 resets (x70 EXP)
21 - 25 resets (x60 EXP)
26 - 30 resets (x50 EXP)
Rebuilded from 0
Few buffs, pets and other things removed/changed
wCoins will be much harder to get
Credit reward will be changed (to make wCoins higher value/importance)
PvP and PvM will be changed
/offtrade if someone didn't notice, will be available to use this command
ItemShop, wCoin exchange, PK price might be changed
Bosses & Golden monster drops, strenght and defense, respawn time will be changed
Lucky Coin drop and reward changed
Silver/Gold boxes and key drop and reward will be changed
NEW Patch will be realesed soon @ Downloads to use our New CashShop at LOW Server
More info can be added at any moment !

P.S. - All players who donated on LOW Server will receive all credits back on 7.JULY, before opening, just need to PM me at Forum !

Welcome to CondorMU !
x100 LOW Server is back ONLINE this evening with some changes, fixes and upgrades as well - Good Luck and Have Fun !


General Info:
Exp: x100 | Master Exp: x10 | Drop: x20
Max Level: 400
Max Master Level: 200
Max Stats: 32767
Points Per Level: 5 / 6 / 7
Character Creation level: SUM - 1, MG - 220, DL/RF - 250
380/400 lvl items can be equiped from 1 lvl

In-game Commands:
/add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)
/requests off|on
/setparty pw (set AutoParty with password)
/prop & /teleport wife|hushand (more info: HERE)
/post command cost 100k
/pkclear in-game cost 10kk * PK Count (at website for 100kk it clears ALL PK Count)
/offtrade (more info: HERE)

Chaos Machine Rates:
Item Mix to +10 = 65%
Item Mix to +11 = 60%
Item Mix to +12 = 55%
Item Mix to +13 = 50%
Item Mix to +14 = 45%
Item Mix to +15 = 40%
(Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)

Wings Creation Rates:
3lvl Wings - 30%
2lvl Wings - 80%
Feather of Condor: 70%

Reset System:
Reset from: 400lvl (bonus + 10 Free Credits)
Reset price: 10kk * resets
Stats After Reset: Stats Clear (RF/MG/DL - 1000 free points * resets and SM/ELF/BK/SUM - 900 free points * resets)
Max resets: 30

Grand Reset System:
GR from: 30 resets (bonus + 2000 Gold Credits + 100 Credits)
Stats After Reset: Clear (5000 free points * GR + Reset * [your class] free points)
GR price: 1.9kkk
Max GR: 10 GR

Additional Info:
Reconnect System (no more disconnects) !
Events & Castle Siege !
WCoins(P) System [NEW] !
Level roading (in higher maps have stronger mobs) !
Events with Bonus Exp (more info: HERE) !
Cash Shop (buffs & pets) !
Goblin Points System !
Exchange Online Hours to Free Credits (more info: HERE) !
Referral System (more info: HERE) !
Vote Reward every 12h !
Unique Box Drops !
No Excellent + Ancient items!
No VIP Servers !
No Full Option Items (max 2 exc opt) !
Can't be full stat !

* Changes & Updates:
CashShop has been recreated (more info: HERE)
Dynamic Exp System added (more info: HERE)
OffTrade System added (more info: HERE)
Lucky Coin System changed (more info: HERE)
Golden Dragon Invasion, Red Dragon Invasion and White Wizard Event count per day is reduced
Silver and Gold Boxes/Keys configuration changed (rare drop, harder to get keys)
Zen drop increased in few maps (Karutan1, Karutan2, Vulcanus)
Rabbit drop changed (drops 100k or very rare exc low level items)
Party Exp changed (more info: HERE)
Grand Reset Reward changed to 2000 Gold Credits + 100 Credits
Vote Reward changed to Gold Credits
Free Points after reset changed
PvM and PvP has been changed on all classes
WCoins© exchange rate changed to 2:1 (more info: HERE)
Socket System changed in itemshop (empty sockets will be added automatically)
Decreased Gold and Silver medal drop rate
Changed Gold and Silver medal, and other box item drop (drops 100k or medium level non-exc items from +6 to +11)
Added 2 spots in each of maps like Vulcanus, Karutan1, Karutan2
In website ItemShop now can get only items with max 2 excellent options (max item level + 15)
Fenrir removed from ItemShop (more info: HERE)
Fixed few Socket sets in-game and ItemShop
Change Class is disabled in website and will not be available anymore
New Patch added in Download section to use LOW Server CashShop (link to download section: HERE)


CondorMU already have HIGH x1000 and LOW x100 servers, but
we decided to open another one, third server,
which will be MEDIUM x500 server, with Dynamic EXP till x100 !
OffTrade disabled, Vote every 12h to collect Credits and exchange them for wCoins !
No items will be refunded/exchanged back to credits from market - be careful while itemshoping !

MEDIUM Server x500 Server Grand Opening 5.AUGUST !
Opening Time - 19:00 (+2 GMT) !

MEDIUM Server Info:
Exp: x500 | Master Exp: x50 | Drop: x20 (Dynamic EXP (more info: HERE))
Max Level: 400
Max Master Level: 200
Max Stats: 32767
Points Per Level: 5 / 6 / 7
Post Command Cost: 50'000
Character creation level: SUM - 1, MG - 220, DL/RF - 250

/add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)
/requests off|on
/setparty pw (set AutoParty with password)
/prop & /teleport wife|hushand (more info: HERE)
/post command cost 100k
/pkclear in-game cost 5kk * PK Count (at website for 50kk it clears ALL PK Count)
Chaos Machine Rates:
Item Mix to +10 = 65%
Item Mix to +11 = 60%
Item Mix to +12 = 55%
Item Mix to +13 = 50%
Item Mix to +14 = 45%
Item Mix to +15 = 40%
(Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)

Wings Creation Rates:
3lvl Wings - 30%
2lvl Wings - 80%
Feather of Condor: 70%

380 & 400lvl Items:
Can only be hunted from monsters level 130 and to wear them need required 380/400 level

Party Exp MEDIUM Server x500:
--- Normal Party ---
2 Characters: x750
3 Characters: x1000
4 Characters: x1250
5 Characters: x1500
--- Bonus Party ---
Bronze Party (3 different characters classes): x1450
Silver Party (4 different characters classes): x1700
Gold Party (5 different characters classes): x2000

Reset System:
Reset From: 400lvl (bonus +10 Free Credits)
Reset Price: 3kk * resets
Stats After Reset: Stats Clear (RF/MG/DL - 700 free points * resets and SM/ELF/BK/SUM - 600 free points * resets)
Max Resets: 50 resets

Grand Reset System:
GR From: 50 resets (bonus +2000 Free Credits)
GR Free Points: 5000 Free Points * GR
GR Price: 1kkk
Max GR: 10 GR

Additional Info:
Reconnect System (no more disconnects) !
Events & Castle Siege !
WCoins(P) System [NEW] !
Level roading (in higher maps have stronger mobs) !
Events with Bonus Exp (more info: HERE) !
Cash Shop (buffs & pets) !
Goblin Points System !
Exchange Online Hours to Free Credits (more info: HERE) !
Referral System (more info: HERE) !
Vote Reward every 12h !
Unique Box Drops !
No items with Excellent + Ancient options (can't have both opt) !
No VIP Servers !
No Full Option Items (max 2 exc opt) !
Can't be full stat !
CashShop has been recreated (more info: HERE)
Dynamic Exp System (more info: HERE)
Lucky Coin System (more info: HERE)
Party Exp (more info: HERE)
WCoins© exchange (more info: HERE)
Fenrir EXP Bonus (more info: HERE)
MEDIUM Server x500 Server Grand Opening 5.AUGUST !
Opening Time - 19:00 (+2 GMT) !

Opening Times:
Argentina Time (13:00)
Philippines Time (00:00)
U.S.A Washington Time (11:00)
Brazil Time (13:00)
Russian Time (19:00)
United Kingdom Time (17:00)
Venezuela Time (11:30)
Vietnam Time (13:00)
Latvian Time (19:00)
P.S. - No items will be refunded/exchanged back to credits from market - be careful while itemshoping !

MEDIUM Server x500 Server Grand Opening 5.AUGUST !



About CondorMU !
First DYNAMIC Server x1000 will be online 1 SEPTEMBER and as second server we are planning to open LOW Server x100 in 9 SEPTEMBER !
Our goal is to have an internation long term servers, with regular updates, fixes and changes. In future, we would also like to open another rate server to have different servers for members of different taste !
We are using premium IGCN files and the server is hosted in France with good protection !
Join Us and do not forget to invite friends using Referral System !
All who donated, please send me your username @ Forum PM !

DYNAMIC Server x1000 Server Grand Opening 1.SEPTEMBER !
LOW Server x100 Server Grand Opening 9.SEPTEMBER !
Opening Time - 19:00 (+2 GMT) !

DYNAMIC Server Info:
Exp: x1000 | Master Exp: x10 | Drop: x20
Max Level: 400
Max Master Level: 200
Max Stats: 32767
Points Per Level: 5 / 6 / 7
Post Command Cost: 100000
Character creation level: SUM - 1, MG - 220, DL/RF - 250

DYNAMIC Exp System:
0 - 5 resets = x1000
6 - 10 resets = x900
11 - 20 resets = x800
21 - 30 resets = x700
31 - 40 resets = x600
40 - 50 resets = x500

/add stats (/addene, /addstr, /addagi, /addvit, /addcmd)
/requests off/on
/setparty pw (set AutoParty with password)
/prop & /teleport wife/husband (Marry System)

Chaos Machine Rates:
Item Mix to +10 = 65%
Item Mix to +11 = 60%
Item Mix to +12 = 55%
Item Mix to +13 = 50%
Item Mix to +14 = 45%
Item Mix to +15 = 40%
(Success rate to on for item with Luck add +20%)

Wings Creation Rates:
3lvl Wings - 30%
2lvl Wings - 80%
Feather of Condor: 70%

380 & 400lvl Items:
Can only be hunted from monsters level 130 and to wear them need required 380/400 level

Party Exp DYNAMIC Server x1000:
--- Normal Party ---
2 Characters: x2000
3 Characters: x3000
4 Characters: x4000
5 Characters: x5000
--- Bonus Party ---
Bronze Party (3 different characters classes): x3500
Silver Party (4 different characters classes): x4750
Gold Party (5 different characters classes): x6000

Reset System:
Reset From: 400lvl (bonus +10 Free Credits)
Reset Price: 10kk * resets
Stats After Reset: Stats Clear (RF/MG/DL - 1400 free points * resets and SM/ELF/BK/SUM - 1200 free points * resets)
Max Resets: 30 resets

Grand Reset System:
GR From: 30 resets (bonus +2000 Free Credits)
GR Free Points: 5000 Free Points * GR
GR Price: 2kkk
Max GR: 10 GR

Additional Info:
Auto Party System !
Reconnect System (no more disconnects) !
Events & Castle Siege !
Level roading (in higher maps have stronger mobs) !
Events with Bonus Exp !
Cash Shop (buffs & pets) !
Goblin Points System !
Exchange Online Hours to Free Credits !
Referral System !
Vote Reward every 12h !
Unique Box Drops !
No Excellent & Ancient items!
No VIP Servers !
No Full Option Items !
Cant be full stat !

DYNAMIC Server x1000 Server Grand Opening 1.SEPTEMBER !
LOW Server x100 Server Grand Opening 9.SEPTEMBER !
Opening Time - 19:00 (+2 GMT) !

Opening Times:
Argentina Time (13:00)
Philippines Time (00:00)
U.S.A Washington Time (11:00)
Brazil Time (13:00)
Russian Time (19:00)
United Kingdom Time (17:00)
Venezuela Time (11:30)
Vietnam Time (13:00)
Latvian Time (19:00)

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