
Увеличьте эффективность игры в MU Online с помощью X-web 5.8.0 Public

Автор MaF1oZo, 2009 Нояб. 25, 21:18

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Ключевые слова [SEO] mu onlineновостивеб-сайтстатистикарегистрацияx-web 5.8.0 publicпоиск персонажейпоиск гильдий


Functions of the web
Character whois
Guild whois
CharacterGuild Search
Event manager
Showing newest charguild
Advanced statistics
Lost password recovery
Advanced online list
Guild list
All Chars list
Banned list
Showing active users in web (+option to hide in user CP)
Server status + info
Best players + cool style ( see in web )
Latest posts in forum ( compatible with VB forum board only )
Voting poll (x-poll) - I HAVE 30% of the credits for it... the other 70% goes to its original creators
Web is template supported ( only need to create html ) - no coding in the templates
Web is language supported - easy to editcreate a new lang
Contact administrators function
Advanced Player rankings
Server data
Login uses cookies (md5 encrypted password)
Private messaging system
Advanced shoutbox (public and guild only)
Personal character ranking in CP
Download system + easy manager in admin panel
User control panel contains
Character overview
Mu Lottery
Level reset
PK reset
Pass change
Account Info
clear guildinventoryspelllist (optional)
Edit profile options + custom user title (if enabled by admin)
Web bank
Stats adder
Stats resetter
Zen casino
Free move in lorencia
PM System
Administrators can
look at the screen (everything is functional) -
## здесь был скриншот ##
The web also logs every action done in it

Here is a test account (don't change its passowrd please) its a normal acc with no access and nothing special

account: zik
password: zak

Important for installation

edit index.php

change to the ip (urs) that you are installing the web from
Скачать Web


Цитата: MaF1oZo от 2009 Нояб. 25, 18:18  Here is a test account (don't change its passowrd please) its a normal acc with no access and nothing special

account: zik
password: zak
Я конечно всё понимаю, но мог и оформить оформление нормально...


Перезалейте пожалуйста, ито у меня некачает с рапиды



Хоть бы скрин выложил.....

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