
ExEngine Smithy - модули для магазинов и сайтов в MU online и ExEngine

Автор k2proud, 2015 Окт. 24, 22:36

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Ключевые слова [SEO] mu onlinemwcexengine


Здравствуйте, у кого есть рабочий модуль веб магазина? в стандартном не прибавляет лак к вещи, буду очень благодарен за помощь!



лак у все не работает в паблик сайте


Цитата: k2proud от 2015 Дек. 24, 15:19  UP UP UP UP UP UP UP
Поставь mwc куча рабочих и достойных модулей . В том числе и кузница .


Следовательно, либо ни у кого нет либо никто не хочет делиться просто так.



if(!defined('EXEngine')) {

if ($_SESSION['UserName'] == true && $Online == '0') {
include_once 'core/warehouse.php';

foreach($ShopArray as $Line) {
$Category = $Line[1];
$TypeContent[$Line[1]] .= "document.getElementById('select_id').options[".$Item[$Category]."] = new Option('".$Line[5]."', 'shop/".$Line[0]."/');";


<script type="text/javascript">
function GetItemList(ItemType) {
if(ItemType == 0){<?=$TypeContent[0];?>}
else if(ItemType == 1){<?=$TypeContent[1];?>}
else if(ItemType == 2){<?=$TypeContent[2];?>}
else if(ItemType == 3){<?=$TypeContent[3];?>}
else if(ItemType == 4){<?=$TypeContent[4];?>}
else if(ItemType == 5){<?=$TypeContent[5];?>}
else if(ItemType == 6){<?=$TypeContent[6];?>}
else if(ItemType == 7){<?=$TypeContent[7];?>}
else if(ItemType == 8){<?=$TypeContent[8];?>}
else if(ItemType == 9){<?=$TypeContent[9];?>}
else if(ItemType == 10){<?=$TypeContent[10];?>}
else if(ItemType == 11){<?=$TypeContent[11];?>}
else if(ItemType == 12){<?=$TypeContent[12];?>}
else if(ItemType == 13){<?=$TypeContent[13];?>}

function GetItemList2(value) {
if(value == '-'){}

function ClearOptionsFast(id) {
var selectObj = document.getElementById(id);
var selectParentNode = selectObj.parentNode;
var newSelectObj = selectObj.cloneNode(false);
selectParentNode.replaceChild(newSelectObj, selectObj);
return newSelectObj;

$Count = -1;

while ($Count < 13) {
$Category .= "<option value='".$Count."'>".GetCategoryName($Count)."</option>";


<form action="" method="post">
<table width="100%" class="sort-table">
<td align="center"><font face="Monospace"><b>Магазин</b></font></td>

<select id="select_type" name="select_type" class="select_new" style="width:180px;" onchange="ClearOptionsFast('select_id');GetItemList(this.form.select_type.value);">
<option value="-">- Выберите категорию -</option><?=$Category;?>
<select id="select_id" name="select_id" class="select_new" style="width:180px;" onchange="GetItemList2(this.form.select_id.value)">
<option value="-">- Выберите вещь -</option>

$Selected = $Web_URL[1];
$ItemType = $ShopArray[$Selected][1];
$ItemID = $ShopArray[$Selected][2];
$StickLevel = $ShopArray[$Selected][3];

if(isset($ItemType) AND isset($ItemID)) {
if($StickLevel) {
$Base = $BaseArray[$ItemType.";".$ItemID.";".$StickLevel];
else {
$Base = $BaseArray[$ItemType.";".$ItemID];

if($Base[3]) {
if ($ItemType < 5) {
$HarmOpt = array(
'1'    => 'Increases Minimum Damage',
'2'    => 'Increases Maximum Damage',
'3'    => 'Reduces Required Strength',
'4'    => 'Reduces Required Agility',
'5'    => 'Increases Min / Max Damage',
'6'    => 'Increases Critical Damage',
'7'    => 'Increases Skill Damage',
'8'    => 'Increases Attack Success Rate (PvP)',
'9'    => 'Increases SD Reduction',
'10' => 'Increases SD Ignore Rate'

$HarmVal = array(
'1'  =>   array(' +2',' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7',' +9',' +11',' +12',' +14',' +15',' +16',' +17',' +20'),
'2'  =>   array(' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7',' +8',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +17',' +20',' +23',' +26',' +29'),
'3'  =>   array(' -6',' -8',' -10',' -12',' -14',' -16',' -20',' -23',' -26',' -29',' -32',' -35',' -37',' -40'),
'4'  =>   array(' -6',' -8',' -10',' -12',' -14',' -16',' -20',' -23',' -26',' -29',' -32',' -35',' -37',' -40'),
'5'  =>   array('','','','','','',' +7',' +8',' +9',' +11',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +19'),
'6'  =>   array('','','','','','',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +20',' +22',' +24',' +30'),
'7'  =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +22'),
'8'  =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +5',' +7',' +9',' +11',' +14'),
'9'  =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +3',' +5',' +7',' +9',' +10'),
'10' =>   array('','','','','','','','','','','','','',' +10'),

if ($ItemType == 5) {
$HarmOpt = array(
'1' => 'Increases Wizardry',
'2' => 'Reduces Required Strength',
'3' => 'Reduces Required Agility',
'4' => 'Increases Skill Damage',
'5' => 'Increases Critical Damage',
'6' => 'Increases SD Reduction',
'7' => 'Increases Attack Success Rate (PvP)',
'8' => 'Increases SD Ignore Rate',

$HarmVal = array(
'1' =>   array(' +6',' +8',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +17',' +18',' +19',' +21',' +23',' +25',' +27',' +31'),
'2' =>   array(' -6',' -8',' -10',' -12',' -14',' -16',' -20',' -23',' -26',' -29',' -32',' -35',' -37',' -40'),
'3' =>   array(' -6',' -8',' -10',' -12',' -14',' -16',' -20',' -23',' -26',' -29',' -32',' -35',' -37',' -40'),
'4' =>   array('','','','','','',' +7',' +10',' +13',' +16',' +19',' +22',' +25',' +30'),
'5' =>   array('','','','','','',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +20',' +22',' +28'),
'6' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +4',' +6',' +8',' +10',' +13'),
'7' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +5',' +7',' +9',' +11',' +14'),
'8' =>   array('','','','','','','','','','','','','',' +15'),

if ($ItemType > 5) {
$HarmOpt = array(
'1' => 'Increases Defense',
'2' => 'Increases Max AG',
'3' => 'Increases Max Health',
'4' => 'Increases Health Regeneration Rate',
'5' => 'Increases Mana Regeneration Rate',
'6' => 'Increases Defense Success Rate (PvP)',
'7' => 'Increases Damage Reduction',
'8' => 'Increases SD Ratio Rate',

$HarmVal = array(
'1' =>   array(' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7',' +8',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +20',' +22',' +25'),
'2' =>   array('','','',' +4',' +6',' +8',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +20',' +22',' +25'),
'3' =>   array('','','',' +7',' +9',' +11',' +13',' +15',' +17',' +19',' +21',' +23',' +25',' +30'),
'4' =>   array('','','','','','',' +1',' +2',' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7',' +8'),
'5' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +1',' +2',' +3',' +4',' +5'),
'6' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +8'),
'7' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7'),
'8' =>   array('','','','','','','','','','','','','',' +5'),

// Harmony список
foreach($HarmVal as $id => $name)
while(list($key,$value) = each($name))
if (!$value == NULL)
$OptionContent[$id] .= "jQuery("#select_joh_value").append('<option value="".$key."">".$value."</option>');";

// Покупка
if($_POST['buyitem']) {
$Query = $DB->FetchRow($DB->Query("exec WZ_GetItemSerial"));
$Credita = sprintf("%08X", $Query[0],00000000);
$ItemPrice = round($ShopArray[$Selected][4] * $Shop['multiplier']);
$AA = sprintf("%02X", $ItemID,00);
$BB = 0;
$ZZ = 0;
$JJ = '00';
$CC = sprintf("%02X", $Base[14],00);
$DDEE = $Credita;
$ShopType = $ItemType * 16;
$FF = sprintf("%02X", $ShopType,00);
$HH = 0;
$ExpCount = 0;

// Уровень
if ($_POST['select_level'] > 0) {
$BB   += $_POST['select_level'] * 8;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['lvl_price'] * $_POST['select_level'];
else {
$BB += $StickLevel * 8;

// Адд
if (($_POST['select_opt'] > 0 ) && ($_POST['select_opt'] <= 7)) {
if ($_POST['select_opt'] >= 4) {
$BB += $_POST['select_opt'] - 4;
$HH += 64;
else {
$BB   += $_POST['select_opt'];

$ItemPrice += $Shop['opt_price'] * $_POST['select_opt'];

// Анциент
if ($Shop['ancient'] == 1) {
if ($_POST['select_anc'] == 5 && $Base[28] != '-') {
$ZZ   += 5;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['anc5_price'];

if ($_POST['select_anc'] == 10 && $Base[29] != '-') {
$ZZ   += 10;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['anc10_price'];

// Скилл
if (($Base[7] > 0) && ($_POST['select_skill'] == 1)) {
$BB   += 128;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['skill_price'];

// Лак
if (($Base[10] == 1) && ($_POST['select_luck'] == 1)) {
$BB   += 4;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['luck_price'];

if ($BB < 0) {
$BB = 0;

// Ексе
if ($Base[6] != -1) {
if ($_POST['exc1']) {
$HH += 1;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['exl_price'];

if ($_POST['exc2']) {
$HH += 2;

if ($Base[6] == 1) {
$ItemPrice += $Shop['rate_price'];
else {
$ItemPrice += $Shop['exl_price'];

if ($_POST['exc3']) {

if ($Base[6] == 1) {
$ItemPrice += $Shop['ref_price'];
else {
$ItemPrice += $Shop['exl_price'];

if ($_POST['exc4']) {
$HH += 8;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['exl_price'];

if ($_POST['exc5']) {
$HH += 16;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['exl_price'];

if ($_POST['exc6']) {
$HH += 32;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['exl_price'];

// Harmony
if ($_POST['select_joh'] != 0)
$JJ = dechex($_POST['select_joh']).dechex($_POST['select_joh_value']);
$ItemPrice += $Shop['joh_price'] + $_POST['select_joh_value'] * 5;
else if(dechex($_POST['select_joh']) == 'A')
$JJ = 'AD';
$ItemPrice += 515;

if (!$Username) {
echo Message('error','Ошибка скрипта №1');
elseif (!$CharacterName) {
echo Message('error','Ошибка скрипта №2');
elseif ($ExpCount > $Shop['exl_limit']) {
echo Message('error','Можно выбрать '.$Shop['exl_limit'].' дополнительных опций!');
elseif (GetCredits($Username) < $ItemPrice) {
echo Message('error','У вас недостаточно средств для покупки!');
else {
$BB   = sprintf("%02X", $BB,00);
$HH   = sprintf("%02X", $HH,00);
$ZZ   = sprintf("%02X", $ZZ,00);
$Query = $DB->Query("declare @it varbinary(1920); set @it=(select [Items] from [warehouse] where [AccountID]='".$Username."'); print @it");
$MyItems = $DB->GetLastMessage();
$FreeSlots = 0;
$Slot = SmartSearch($MyItems,$Base[3],$Base[4]);
$FreeSlots = $Slot * 32;

if ($Slot == 1337)  {
echo Message('warning','Нету свободного места в банке!');
else {
$Item = ItemInfo($NewItem);
$MyNewItems = substr_replace($MyItems, $NewItem, ($FreeSlots + 2), 32);
$BuyTime = date('d.m.Y H:i', $Time);
$DB->Query("UPDATE MEMB_CREDITS SET credits = credits - ".$ItemPrice." WHERE memb___id = '$Username';
UPDATE [warehouse] SET [Items] = ".$MyNewItems." WHERE [AccountId] = '".$Username."'
INSERT INTO [Web_Shop]([memb___id],[item],[time])VALUES('$Username','$NewItem','$BuyTime')");
echo Message('ok','Благодарим Вас за покупку! Приятной игры на нашем сервере!');
<script type="text/javascript">
function SetPrice() {
var ItemPrice = <?=$ShopArray[$Selected][4] * $Shop['multiplier'];?>;

ItemPrice = ItemPrice + document.getElementById('select_level').value * <?=$Shop['lvl_price'];?>;
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + document.getElementById('select_opt').value * <?=$Shop['opt_price'];?>;
exc_type = <?=$Base[6]?>;
exc_opt_limit = <?=$Shop['exl_limit'];?>;

dont_allow_ref_and_rate   = <?=$Shop['refandrate'];?>;
selected_exc_opt_count   = 0;

if (document.getElementById('select_anc').value == 5) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + <?=$Shop['anc5_price'];?>;

if (document.getElementById('select_anc').value == 10) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + <?=$Shop['anc10_price'];?>;

if (document.getElementById('select_skill').value == 1) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + <?=$Shop['skill_price'];?>;

if (document.getElementById('select_luck').value == 1) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + <?=$Shop['luck_price'];?>;

//JoH - 01.04.2013
ItemPrice += HarmonyPrice();

exc_opt_price = <?=$Shop['exl_price'];?>;
reflect_price = <?=$Shop['ref_price'];?>;
defsuc_price = <?=$Shop['rate_price'];?>;

if (document.getElementById('exc1').checked == true) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + exc_opt_price;
selected_exc_opt_count = selected_exc_opt_count + 1;

if (document.getElementById('exc2').checked == true) {
if(exc_type == 1) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + defsuc_price;
else {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + exc_opt_price;

selected_exc_opt_count = selected_exc_opt_count + 1;

if (document.getElementById('exc3').checked == true) {
if(exc_type == 1) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + reflect_price;
else {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + exc_opt_price;

selected_exc_opt_count = selected_exc_opt_count + 1;

if (document.getElementById('exc4').checked == true) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + exc_opt_price;
selected_exc_opt_count = selected_exc_opt_count + 1;

if (document.getElementById('exc5').checked == true) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + exc_opt_price;
selected_exc_opt_count = selected_exc_opt_count + 1;

if (document.getElementById('exc6').checked == true) {
ItemPrice = ItemPrice + exc_opt_price;
selected_exc_opt_count = selected_exc_opt_count + 1;

if(selected_exc_opt_count >= exc_opt_limit){
if (document.getElementById('exc1').checked != true) {
document.getElementById('exc1').disabled =true;

if (document.getElementById('exc2').checked != true) {
document.getElementById('exc2').disabled =true;

if (document.getElementById('exc3').checked != true) {
document.getElementById('exc3').disabled =true;

if (document.getElementById('exc4').checked != true) {
document.getElementById('exc4').disabled =true;

if (document.getElementById('exc5').checked != true) {
document.getElementById('exc5').disabled =true;

if (document.getElementById('exc6').checked != true) {
document.getElementById('exc6').disabled =true;
document.getElementById('exc1').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('exc2').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('exc3').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('exc4').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('exc5').disabled = false;
document.getElementById('exc6').disabled = false;

if(dont_allow_ref_and_rate == 1){
if(exc_type == 1){
if (document.getElementById('exc2').checked == true) {
document.getElementById('exc3').disabled =true;

if (document.getElementById('exc3').checked == true) {
document.getElementById('exc2').disabled =true;


function HarmonyPrice() {
var johType = document.getElementById('select_joh');
if (!johType) return 0;

var johValue = document.getElementById('select_joh_value');

var optType = johType.options[johType.selectedIndex];
if (optType.value == 0) return 0;

var optValue = johValue.options[johValue.selectedIndex];

return <?=$Shop['joh_price'];?> + parseInt(optValue.value, 16) * 5;

function HarmonyOptions(Type) {
document.getElementById("select_joh_value").style.display = "block";

if(Type == 0){document.getElementById("select_joh_value").style.display = "none";}
else if(Type == 1){<?=$OptionContent[1];?>}
else if(Type == 2){<?=$OptionContent[2];?>}
else if(Type == 3){<?=$OptionContent[3];?>}
else if(Type == 4){<?=$OptionContent[4];?>}
else if(Type == 5){<?=$OptionContent[5];?>}
else if(Type == 6){<?=$OptionContent[6];?>}
else if(Type == 7){<?=$OptionContent[7];?>}
else if(Type == 8){<?=$OptionContent[8];?>}
else if(Type == 9){<?=$OptionContent[9];?>}
else if(Type == 10){<?=$OptionContent[10];?>}
else if(Type == 11){<?=$OptionContent[11];?>}
else if(Type == 12){<?=$OptionContent[12];?>}
else if(Type == 13){<?=$OptionContent[13];?>}
<div align="center">
<table class="cells" style="width:100%">
<tr align="center">
<td colspan="2" class="header"><?=$Base[5];?></td>
<td align="center" style="background: url(images/main/exc.gif);" colspan="2"><img src="<?=GetItemImage($ItemType, $ItemID, $StickLevel, 0);?>"></td>
<tr align="left">
<td width="35%"><b>Уровень</b></td>
<td width="65%">
<select id="select_level" class="select_new" style="width:250px;" name="select_level" onchange="SetPrice();">
$Count = 0;

while($Count <= $Shop['lvl_limit']) {
echo '<option value="'.$Count.'">+'.$Count.'</option>';

<tr align="left">
<td><font face="Monospace">Additional</font></td>
<select id="select_opt" class="select_new" style="width:250px;" name="select_opt" onchange="SetPrice();">


$Count = 0;
while($Count <= $Shop['opt_limit']) {
echo '<option value="'.$Count.'">+'.$Count.'</option>';



<tr align="left">
<td><font face="Monospace">Luck</font></td>
<select id="select_luck" class="select_new" style="width:250px;" name="select_luck" onchange="SetPrice();">
<option value="0">Нет</option>
<option value="1">Да</option>

<? if ($Base[7] > 0) { ?>

<tr align="left">
<td><font face="Monospace">Skill</font></td>
<select id="select_skill" class="select_new" style="width:250px;" name="select_skill" onchange="SetPrice();">
<option value="0">Нет</option>
<option value="1">Да</option>


else {
echo '<input style="display:none;" id="select_skill" name="select_skill" value="0">';

if (($Base[28] != '-' || $Base[29] != '-') && $Shop['ancient'] == 1) {

<tr align="left">
<select id="select_anc" style="width:250px;" name="select_anc" onchange="SetPrice();">
<option value="0">Нет</option>
<? if ($Base[28] != '-') { ?>
<option value="5"><?=$Base[28];?></option>
<? } if ($Base[29] != '-') { ?>
<option value="10"><?=$Base[29];?></option>
<? } ?>

else {
echo '<input style="display:none;" id="select_anc" name="select_anc" value="0">';

switch ($Base[6]) {
case -1:
case 0 :
$op1 = 'Increase acquisition rate of Mana after hunting monsters +Mana/8';
$op2 = 'Increase acquisition rate of Life after hunting monsters +life/8';
$op3 = 'Increase Attacking(Wizardry)speed +7';
$op4 = 'Increase Damage +2%';
$op5 = 'Increase Damage +level/20';
$op6 = 'Excellent Damage Rate +10%';
case 1:
$op1 = 'Increases acquisition rate of Zen after hunting monsters +30%';
$op2 = 'Defense success rate +10%';
$op3 = 'Reflect Damage +5%';
$op4 = 'Damage Decrease +4%';
$op5 = 'Increase Max Mana +4%';
$op6 = 'Increase Max HP +4%';
case 2:
$op1 = 'HP +50 increased';
$op2 = 'Mana +50 increased';
$op3 = 'Ignor opponents defensive power by 3%';
$op4 = 'Max AG +50 increased';
$op5 = 'Increase Attacking(Wizardry)speed +5';
$op6 = NULL;
case 4:
$op1 = 'Ingor opponents defensive power by 5%';
$op2 = 'Returns the enemys attack power in 5%';
$op3 = 'Complete recovery of life in 5% rate';
$op4 = 'Complete recover of Mana in 5% rate';
$op5 = NULL;
$op6 = NULL;

if ($Base[6] != -1) {

<tr align="left">
<input id="exc1" name="exc1" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();"><?=$op1;?><br>
<input id="exc2" name="exc2" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();"><?=$op2;?><br>
<input id="exc3" name="exc3" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();"><?=$op3;?><br>
<input id="exc4" name="exc4" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();"><?=$op4;?><br>
<input id="exc5" name="exc5" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();"<? if(!$op5){ echo ' style="display:none;"';} ?>><?=$op5;?><br>
<input id="exc6" name="exc6" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();"<? if(!$op6){ echo ' style="display:none;"';} ?>><?=$op6;?><br>
<? } else { ?>
<input id="exc1" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();" style="display:none;">
<input id="exc2" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();" style="display:none;">
<input id="exc3" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();" style="display:none;">
<input id="exc4" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();" style="display:none;">
<input id="exc5" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();" style="display:none;">
<input id="exc6" value="1" type="checkbox" onclick="SetPrice();" style="display:none;">
<? } if ($ItemType <= 11) { ?>
<tr align="left">
<select id="select_joh" style="width:250px;" name="select_joh" onchange="ClearOptionsFast('select_joh_value');HarmonyOptions(this.form.select_joh.value);">
<option value="0">- Выберите опцию -</option>

foreach($HarmOpt as $id => $name) {
echo '<option value="'.$id.'">'.$name.'</option>';

<select id="select_joh_value" style="width:250px;display:none;" name="select_joh_value" onchange="SetPrice();">
<option value="0">- Выберите значение -</option>
<? } ?>
<td align="center" style="background-color:#EAE1CB;" colspan="2"><b>Итого вышло <font color="red" id="ItemPrice">0</font> кредитов</b></td>
<p><input type="hidden" name="buyitem" value="1"><input type="submit" class="newButton" value="Продолжить" name="buy" style="width:100%"></p>
<script type="text/javascript">SetPrice();</script>
<? } } ?>

else {
if ($_SESSION['UserName'] != true) {
echo Message('error','Войдите в личный кабинет, либо зарегистрируйтесь.');
elseif ($Online == '1') {
echo Message('error','Сначало выйдите из игры!');




function ItemInfo($SelectedItem) {
global $BaseArray;

if (substr($SelectedItem,0,2) == '0x') {
$SelectedItem = substr($SelectedItem,2);

if ((strlen($SelectedItem) != 32) || (!preg_match('(^[a-zA-Z0-9])', $SelectedItem)) || ($SelectedItem == 'FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF')) {
return false;

$ItemID = hexdec(substr($SelectedItem,0,2));
$ItemSkill = hexdec(substr($SelectedItem,2,2));
$ItemDur = hexdec(substr($SelectedItem,4,2));
$Serial   = substr($SelectedItem,6,8);
$ItemOption = hexdec(substr($SelectedItem,14,2));
$Ancient = hexdec(substr($SelectedItem,16,2));
$HarmOption = hexdec(substr($SelectedItem,20,1));
$HarmValue = hexdec(substr($SelectedItem,21,1));
$ItemType = hexdec(substr($SelectedItem,18,2));
$Sockets = substr($SelectedItem,-10);
$ItemType = $ItemType / 16;

$ItemBase = $BaseArray[$ItemType.";".$ItemID.";".floor($ItemSkill / 8)];

if(!$ItemBase) {
$ItemBase = $BaseArray[$ItemType.";".$ItemID];
$NoLevel = 0;
else {
$NoLevel = 1;

// Скилл
if ($ItemSkill < 128) {
$Skill = '';
else {
$Skill = '<font color=white><b>This weapon has a special skill</b></font><br>';
$ItemSkill = $ItemSkill - 128;

// Уровень
$ItemLevel = floor($ItemSkill / 8);
$ItemSkill = $ItemSkill - $ItemLevel * 8;

// Лак
if($ItemSkill < 4) {
$Luck_ = '';
else {
$Luck = 'Luck (success rate of jewel of soul +25%)<br>Luck (critical damage rate +5%)';
$Luck_ = '+Luck';
$ItemSkill = $ItemSkill - 4;

// Ексе
if($ItemOption   >= 64) {
$ItemSkill += 4;
$ItemOption += -64;

if($ItemOption   < 32) {
$ItemSkillx6 = 0;
else {
$ItemSkillx6 = 1;
$ItemOption += -32;

if($ItemOption   < 16) {
$ItemSkillx5 = 0;
else {
$ItemSkillx5 = 1;
$ItemOption += -16;

if($ItemOption   < 8) {
$ItemSkillx4 = 0;
else {
$ItemSkillx4 = 1;
$ItemOption += -8;

if($ItemOption   < 4) {
$ItemSkillx3 = 0;
else {
$ItemSkillx3 = 1;
$ItemOption += -4;

if($ItemOption   < 2) {
$ItemSkillx2 = 0;
else {
$ItemSkillx2 = 1;
$ItemOption += -2;

if($ItemOption   < 1) {
$ItemSkillx1 = 0;
else {
$ItemSkillx1 = 1;
$ItemOption += -1;

// ПвП
if (!$ItemBase) {
$NewType = (int)($ItemType - 0.5);
$ItemBase = $BaseArray[$NewType.';'.$ItemID];

if ($ItemBase) {
$Refinery = array('Additional Damage +200','','Additional Damage +200','','Additional Damage +200','Additional Damage +200','Additional Damage +200','SD recovery rate increase +20%','SD auto recovery','Defensive skill +200','Max. HP increase +200','Max. SD increase +700');
$RefineryOpt = '<br><b><font color=pink>'.$Refinery[$NewType];

if ($NewType < 7) {
$RefineryOpt2 = 'Attack success rate increase +10';
else {
$RefineryOpt2 = 'Defense success rate increase +10';

$RefineryOpt .= '<br>'.$RefineryOpt2.'</font></b><br>';

// Доп. инфо.
$StickLevel = $ItemBase[8];
$ItemExcType = $ItemBase[6];
$ItemName = $ItemBase[5];

if (!$ItemBase) {
return false;

// Хармони
if ($ItemBase[1] < 5) {
$HarmOpt = array(
'1'    => 'Increases Minimum Damage',
'2'    => 'Increases Maximum Damage',
'3'    => 'Reduces Required Strength',
'4'    => 'Reduces Required Agility',
'5'    => 'Increases Min / Max Damage',
'6'    => 'Increases Critical Damage',
'7'    => 'Increases Skill Damage',
'8'    => 'Increases Attack Success Rate (PvP)',
'9'    => 'Increases SD Reduction',
'10' => 'Increases SD Ignore Rate'

$HarmVal = array(
'1'  =>   array(' +2',' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7',' +9',' +11',' +12',' +14',' +15',' +16',' +17',' +20'),
'2'  =>   array(' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7',' +8',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +17',' +20',' +23',' +26',' +29'),
'3'  =>   array(' -6',' -8',' -10',' -12',' -14',' -16',' -20',' -23',' -26',' -29',' -32',' -35',' -37',' -40'),
'4'  =>   array(' -6',' -8',' -10',' -12',' -14',' -16',' -20',' -23',' -26',' -29',' -32',' -35',' -37',' -40'),
'5'  =>   array('','','','','','',' +7',' +8',' +9',' +11',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +19'),
'6'  =>   array('','','','','','',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +20',' +22',' +24',' +30'),
'7'  =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +22'),
'8'  =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +5',' +7',' +9',' +11',' +14'),
'9'  =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +3',' +5',' +7',' +9',' +10'),
'10' =>   array('','','','','','','','','','','','','',' +10'),

$Harmony = $HarmOpt[$HarmOption].$HarmVal[$HarmOption][$HarmValue];

if ($ItemBase[1] == 5) {
$HarmOpt = array(
'1' => 'Increases Wizardry',
'2' => 'Reduces Required Strength',
'3' => 'Reduces Required Agility',
'4' => 'Increases Skill Damage',
'5' => 'Increases Critical Damage',
'6' => 'Increases SD Reduction',
'7' => 'Increases Attack Success Rate (PvP)',
'8' => 'Increases SD Ignore Rate',

$HarmVal = array(
'1' =>   array(' +6',' +8',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +17',' +18',' +19',' +21',' +23',' +25',' +27',' +31'),
'2' =>   array(' -6',' -8',' -10',' -12',' -14',' -16',' -20',' -23',' -26',' -29',' -32',' -35',' -37',' -40'),
'3' =>   array(' -6',' -8',' -10',' -12',' -14',' -16',' -20',' -23',' -26',' -29',' -32',' -35',' -37',' -40'),
'4' =>   array('','','','','','',' +7',' +10',' +13',' +16',' +19',' +22',' +25',' +30'),
'5' =>   array('','','','','','',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +20',' +22',' +28'),
'6' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +4',' +6',' +8',' +10',' +13'),
'7' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +5',' +7',' +9',' +11',' +14'),
'8' =>   array('','','','','','','','','','','','','',' +15'),

$Harmony = $HarmOpt[$HarmOption].$HarmVal[$HarmOption][$HarmValue];

if ($ItemBase[1] > 5) {
$HarmOpt = array(
'1' => 'Increases Defense',
'2' => 'Increases Max AG',
'3' => 'Increases Max Health',
'4' => 'Increases Health Regeneration Rate',
'5' => 'Increases Mana Regeneration Rate',
'6' => 'Increases Defense Success Rate (PvP)',
'7' => 'Increases Damage Reduction',
'8' => 'Increases SD Ratio Rate',

$HarmVal = array(
'1' =>   array(' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7',' +8',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +20',' +22',' +25'),
'2' =>   array('','','',' +4',' +6',' +8',' +10',' +12',' +14',' +16',' +18',' +20',' +22',' +25'),
'3' =>   array('','','',' +7',' +9',' +11',' +13',' +15',' +17',' +19',' +21',' +23',' +25',' +30'),
'4' =>   array('','','','','','',' +1',' +2',' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7',' +8'),
'5' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +1',' +2',' +3',' +4',' +5'),
'6' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +8'),
'7' =>   array('','','','','','','','','',' +3',' +4',' +5',' +6',' +7'),
'8' =>   array('','','','','','','','','','','','','',' +5'),

$Harmony = $HarmOpt[$HarmOption].$HarmVal[$HarmOption][$HarmValue];

// Типы ексе шмоток
switch ($ItemExcType) {
case 0:
$Option1 = 'Increase acquisition rate of Mana after hunting monsters +Mana/8';
$Option2 = 'Increase acquisition rate of Life after hunting monsters +life/8';
$Option3 = 'Increase Attacking(Wizardry)speed +7';
$Option4 = 'Increase Damage +2%';
$Option5 = 'Increase Damage +level/20';
$Option6 = 'Excellent Damage Rate +10%';
$Inform = 'Additional Dmg';

case 1:
$Option1 = 'Increases acquisition rate of Zen after hunting monsters +30%';
$Option2 = 'Defense success rate +10%';
$Option3 = 'Reflect Damage +5%';
$Option4 = 'Damage Decrease +4%';
$Option5 = 'Increase Max Mana +4%';
$Option6 = 'Increase Max HP +4%';
$Inform = 'Additional defense';

case 2:
$Option1 = 'HP +50 increased';
$Option2 = 'Mana +50 increased';
$Option3 = 'Ignor opponents defensive power by 3%';
$Option4 = 'Max AG +50 increased';
$Option5 = 'Increase Attacking(Wizardry)speed +5';
$Option6 = NULL;
$Inform = 'Additional Dmg';
$Skill = '';
$NoColor = true;

case 4:
$Option1 = 'Ingor opponents defensive power by 5%';
$Option2 = 'Returns the enemys attack power in 5%';
$Option3 = 'Complete recovery of life in 5% rate';
$Option4 = 'Complete recover of Mana in 5% rate';
$Option5 = NULL;
$Option6 = NULL;
$Inform = 'Additional Dmg';
$Skill = '';
$NoColor = true;

$Excelent = '';

if ($ItemBase[6] < 2) {
if ($ItemSkillx6 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option6;
if ($ItemSkillx5 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option5;
if ($ItemSkillx4 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option4;
if ($ItemSkillx3 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option3;
if ($ItemSkillx2 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option2;
if ($ItemSkillx1 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option1;
else {
if ($ItemSkillx1 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option1;
if ($ItemSkillx2 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option2;
if ($ItemSkillx3 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option3;
if ($ItemSkillx4 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option4;
if ($ItemSkillx5 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option5;
if ($ItemSkillx6 == 1) $Excelent.='<br>'.$Option6;

if ($ItemBase[1] <= 5) {
$ItemOption   = $ItemSkill*4;
elseif ($ItemBase[1] == 6) {
$ItemOption   = $ItemSkill*5;
$Inform = 'Additional defense rate ';
elseif ($ItemBase[1] <= 11) {
$ItemOption   = $ItemSkill*4;
else {
$ItemOption   = ($ItemSkill).'%';
$Inform = 'Automatic HP recovery ';

// Цвет
$Color = '#9AADD5;background-color:#000000';

if ($Excelent != '') {
$Color = '#2FF387;background-color:#000000';

if ($ItemLevel > 6) {
$Color = '#F4CB3F;background-color:#000000';

if ($ItemOption == 0) {
$ItemOption = '';
else {
$ItemOption = '+'.$ItemOption;
$ItemOption_ = $Inform.' '.$ItemOption;

if ($NoColor) {
$Color = '#F4CB3F;background-color:#000000';

if (($ItemBase[1] == 13) && ($ItemBase[2] == 37)) {
$Skill = '<br>Plasma storm skill (Mana:50)';
$Color = '#9aadd5;background-color:#000000';
$InfoDur = '<br>Life: '.$ItemDur.'<br>';
$InfoLvl = 'Minimum Level Requirement: 300';

if ($ItemSkillx1 == 1) {
$ItemName .= ' + Destroy';
$ItemOption_ = 'Increase final damage 10%<br>Increase speed<br>';
elseif ($ItemSkillx2 == 1) {
$ItemName .= ' + Protect';
$ItemOption_ = 'Absorb final damage 10%<br>Increase speed<br>';
$ItemOption_ .= '<br><font color=gold>Can summon the Fenrir when equipped</font>';
else {
if ((!$NoColor) && ($Excelent != '') && ($ItemName)) {
$Color = 'mediumspringgreen;background-color:#000000';
$ExcName = 'Excellent ';

// Dark Raven
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 5) {
$Infoh = '<br>Dmg(rate): 180~200 (1000)<br>Attack speed: 20<br>Life: '.$ItemDur.'<br>Available command: 185';

// Transformation Ring
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 10) {
$Color = 'white;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=red>Unable to Equip with a Different Transformation Ring</font>';

// Wizards Ring
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 20) {
$Color = 'gold;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=red>Cannot Repair</font><br><font color=white>Durability: '.$ItemDur.'</font><br><br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +10%<br>Increase damage +10<br>Increase Attacking(Wizardry)speed +10';

// Moonstone Pendant
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 38) {
$Color = 'gold;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=white>I.D of Kantur Chief Scientist. Tou can anter the Refinery Tower.</font>';

// Skeleton Warrior Ring
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 39) {
$Color = 'white;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=white>Durability: '.$ItemDur.'</font><br><br>Increase defensive skill +10%<br>Increase vitality +200<br><br><font color=red>Unable to Equip with a Different Transformation Ring</font>';

// Jack O'Lantern Ring
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 40) {
$Color = 'white;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=white>Durability: '.$ItemDur.'</font><br><br><font color=red>Unable to Equip with a Different Transformation Ring</font>';

// Santa Girl Ring
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 41) {
$Color = 'white;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=white>Durability: '.$ItemDur.'</font><br><br>Increase Dmg +20<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +20<br><br><font color=red>Unable to Equip with a Different Transformation Ring</font>';

// GameMaster Ring
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 42) {
$Color = 'white;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=white>Durability: '.$ItemDur.'</font><br><br><font color=red>Unable to Equip with a Different Transformation Ring</font>';

// Snowman Transformation Ring
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 68) {
$Color = 'white;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=white>Durability: '.$ItemDur.'</font><br><br><font color=red>Unable to Equip with a Different Transformation Ring</font>';

// Panda Ring
if ($ItemBase[1] == 13 && $ItemBase[2] == 76) {
$Color = 'white;background-color:#000000';
$ItemOption_ = '<font color=white>Durability: '.$ItemDur.'</font><br><br><font color=red>Unable to Equip with a Different Transformation Ring</font>';

// Анциент
if ($Ancient == 4) {
$Ancient = 5;

if ($Ancient == 9) {
$Ancient = 10;

if ($Ancient > 0) {
if($Ancient == 5 && $ItemBase[28] != '-') {
$AncientSet = $ItemBase[28];

if(($Ancient == 6 || $Ancient == 10) && $ItemBase[29] != '-') {
$AncientSet = $ItemBase[29];

if ($AncientSet == 'Warrior') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase strength +10<br>Increase skill attacking rate +10<br>Increase max. AG +20<br>Increase AG increase rate +5<br>Increase defensive skill +20<br>Increase agility +10<br>Increase critical damage rate 5%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 5%<br>Increase strength +25';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Anonymous') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase max. life +50<br>Increase agility +50<br>Increase defensive skill when using shield weapons 25%<br>Increase damage +30';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Hyperion') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase energy +15<br>Increase agility +15<br>Increase skill attacking rate +20<br>Increase max. mana +30';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Mist') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase stamina +20<br>Increase skill attacking rate +30<br>Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase agility +20';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Eplete') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase skill attacking rate +15<br>Increase damage success rate +50<br>Increase Wizadry Dmg +5%<br>Increase max. life +50<br>Increase max. AG +30<br>Increase critical damage rate 10%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 10%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Berserker') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase max. damage +10<br>Increase max. damage +20<br>Increase max. damage +30<br>Increase max. damage +40<br>Increase skill arracking rate +40<br>Increase strength +40';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Garuda') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase max. AG +30<br>Double damage rate 5%<br>Increase energy +15<br>Increase max. life +50<br>Increase skill attacking rate +25<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +15%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Cloud') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase critical damage rate 20%<br>Increase critical damage +50';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Kantata') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase energy +15<br>Increase stamina +30<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +10%<br>Increase strength +15<br>Increase skill attacking rate +25<br>Increase excellent damage rate 10%<br>Increase excellent damage +20';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Rave') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase skill attacking rate +20<br>Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase damage when using two handed weapons +30%<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Hyon') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase defensive skill +25<br>Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase skill attacking rate +20<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Increase critical damage +20<br>Increase excellent damage +20';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Vicious') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase skill attacking rate +15<br>Increase damage +15<br>Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase min. damage +20<br>Increase max. damage +30<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Apollo') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase energy +10<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +5%<br>Increase skill attacking rate +10<br>Increase max. mana +30<br>Increase max. life +30<br>Increase max. AG +20<br>Increase critical damage rate 10%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 10%<br>Increase energy +30';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Barnake') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase Wizardry Dmg +10%<br>Increase energy +20<br>Increase skill attacking rate +30<br>Increase max. mana +100';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Evis') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase skill attacking rate +15<br>Increase stamina +20<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg 10%<br>Double damage rate 5%<br>Increase damage succes rate +50<br>Increase AG increase rate +5';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Sylion') {
$AncientInfo = 'Double damage rate 5%<br>Increase critical damage rate 5%<br>Increase defensive skill +20<br>Increase strength +50<br>Increase agility +50<br>Increase stamina +50<br>Increase energy +50';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Heras') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase strength +15<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +10%<br>Increase defensive skill when using shield weapons 5%<br>Increase energy +15<br>Increase damage success rate +50<br>Increase critical damage rate 10%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 10%<br>Icrease max. life +50<br>Increase max. mana +50';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Minet') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase energy +30<br>Increase defensive skill +30<br>Increase max. mana +100<br>Increase skill attacking rate +15';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Anubis') {
$AncientInfo = 'Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase max. mana +50<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +10%<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Increase critical damage +20<br>Increase excellent damage +20';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Enis') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase skill attacking rate +10<br>Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase energy +30<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +10%<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Ceto') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase agility +10<br>Increase max. life +50<br>Increase defensive skill +20<br>Increase defensive skill when using shield weapons 5%<br>Increase energy +10<br>Increase max. life +50<br>Increase strength +20';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Drake') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase agility +20<br>Increase damage +25<br>Double damage rate 20%<br>Increase defensive skill +40<br>Increase critical damage rate 10%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Gaia') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase skill attacking rate +10<br>Increase max. mana +25<br>Increase strength +10<br>Double damage rate 5%<br>Increase agility +30<br>Increase excellent damage rate 10%<br>Increase excellent damage +10';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Fase') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase max. life +100<br>Increase max. mana +100<br>Increase defensive skill +100';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Odin') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase energy +15<br>Increase max. life +50<br>Increase damage success rate +50<br>Increase agility +30<br>Increase max. mana +50<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%<br>Increase max. AG +50';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Elvian') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase agility +30<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Argo') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase max. damage +20<br>Increase skill attacking rate +25<br>Increase max. AG +50<br>Double damage rate 5%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Karis') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase skill attacking rate +15<br>Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase critical damage rate 10%<br>Increase agility +40';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Gywen') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase agility +30<br>Increase min. damage +20<br>Increase defensive skill +20<br>Increase max. damage +20<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Increase critical damage +20<br>Increase excellent damage +20';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Aruan') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase damage +10<br>Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase skill attacking rate +20<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Gaion') {
$AncientInfo = 'Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%<br>Double damage rate 15%<br>Increase skill attacking rate +15<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage +30<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +10%<br>Increase strength +30';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Muren') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase skill attacking rate +10<br>Increase Wizardry Dmg +10%<br>Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Increase defensive skill +25<br>Increase damage when using two handed weaspons +20%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Agnis') {
$AncientInfo = 'Double damage rate 10%<br>Increase defensive skill +40<br>Increase skill attacking rate +20<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Increase critical damage +20<br>Increase excellent damage +20';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Broy') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase damage +20<br>Increase skill attacking rate +20<br>Increase energy +30<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%<br>Increase command +30';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Chrono') {
$AncientInfo = 'Double damage rate 20%<br>Increase defensive skill +60<br>Increase skill attacking rate +30<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Increase critical damage +20<br>Increase excellent damage +20';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Semeden') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase Wizardry Dmg +15%<br>Increase skill attacking rate +25<br>Increase energy +30<br>Increase critical damage rate 15%<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Vega') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase damage success rate +50<br>Increase stamina +50<br>Increase max damage +30<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Double damage rate 5%<br>Ignore enemies defensive skill 5%';
elseif ($AncientSet == 'Chameren') {
$AncientInfo = 'Increase defensive skill +50<br>Double damage rate 5%<br>Increase damage +30<br>Increase critical damage +30<br>Increase excellent damage rate 15%<br>Increase skill attacking rate +30<br>Increase excellent damage +20';
else {
$AncientInfo = 'Извините, но мы не имеем информации о <br> этом предмете';

$AncientSet .= ' ';
$Color = 'springgreen;background-color:blue;';
$ItemAncientInfo = '<br>Increase Stamina +'.$Ancient.'<br>';
$AncInfo = '<br><br><font color=gold>Set item option info</font><br><br><font color=#666666>'.$AncientInfo.'</font>';

// Сокеты
$Socket = array();

if($Sockets != 'FFFFFFFFFF' && $Sockets != '0000000000') {
$SocketInfo = array(
'FE' => '<font color=#666666>No item application</font>',
'00' => 'Fire((Level type)Attack/Wizardry increase +19)',
'01' => 'Fire(Attack speed increase +7)',
'02' => 'Fire(Maximum attack/Wizardry increase +30)',
'03' => 'Fire(Minimum attack/Wizardry increase +20)',
'04' => 'Fire(Attack/Wizardry increase +20)',
'05' => 'Fire(AG cost decrease +40%)',
'0A' => 'Water(Block rating increase +10%)',
'0B' => 'Water(Defense increase +30)',
'0C' => 'Water(Shield protection increase +7%)',
'0D' => 'Water(Damage reduction +4%)',
'0E' => 'Water(Damage reflection +5%)',
'10' => 'Ice(Monster destruction for the Life increase +56)',
'11' => 'Ice(Monster destruction for the Mana increase +56)',
'12' => 'Ice(Skill attack increase +37)',
'13' => 'Ice(Attack rating increase +25)',
'14' => 'Ice(Item durability increase +30%)',
'15' => 'Wind(Automatic Life recovery increase +8)',
'16' => 'Wind(Maximum Life increase +4%)',
'17' => 'Wind(Maximum Mana increase +4%)',
'18' => 'Wind(Automatic Mana recovery increase +7)',
'19' => 'Wind(Maximum AG increase +25)',
'1A' => 'Wind(AG value increase +3)',
'1D' => 'Lightning(Excellent damage increase +15)',
'1E' => 'Lighting(Excellent damage rate increase +10%)',
'1F' => 'Lighting(Critical damage increase +30)',
'20' => 'Lighting(Critical damage rate increase +8%)',
'24' => 'Ground(Health increase +30)',
'32' => 'Fire((Level type)Attack/Wizardry increase +20)',
'33' => 'Fire(Attack speed increase +8)',
'34' => 'Fire(Maximum attack/Wizardry increase +32)',
'35' => 'Fire(Minimum attack/Wizardry increase +22)',
'36' => 'Fire(Attack/Wizardry increase +22)',
'37' => 'Fire(AG cost decrease +41%)',
'3C' => 'Water(Block rating increase +11%)',
'3D' => 'Water(Defense increase +33)',
'3E' => 'Water(Shield protection increase +10%)',
'3F' => 'Water(Damage reduction +5%)',
'40' => 'Water(Damage reflection +6%)',
'42' => 'Ice(Monster destruction for the Life increase +64)',
'43' => 'Ice(Monster destruction for the Mana increase +64)',
'44' => 'Ice(Skill attack increase +40)',
'45' => 'Ice(Attack rating increase +27)',
'46' => 'Ice(Item durability increase +32%)',
'47' => 'Wind(Automatic Life recovery increase +10)',
'48' => 'Wind(Maximum Life increase +5%)',
'49' => 'Wind(Maximum Mana increase +5%)',
'4A' => 'Wind(Automatic Mana recovery increase +14)',
'4B' => 'Wind(Maximum AG increase +30)',
'4C' => 'Wind(AG value increase +5)',
'4F' => 'Lightning(Excellent damage increase +20)',
'50' => 'Lighting(Excellent damage rate increase +11%)',
'51' => 'Lighting(Critical damage increase +32)',
'52' => 'Lighting(Critical damage rate increase +9%)',
'59' => 'Ground(Health increase +32)',
'64' => 'Fire((Level type)Attack/Wizardry increase +21)',
'65' => 'Fire(Attack speed increase +9)',


// Лак
if (($Base[10] == 1) && ($_POST['select_luck'] == 1)) {
$BB += 4;
$ItemPrice += $Shop['luck_price'];

была проблема в проверке, а именно $Base[10], не правильная колонка для значения лака в файле со шмотками.
немного размышлений, и выяснений что где и как, и всё заработало.

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